- + Issue 926: (7) Section 8.10.5 - net_resolution function: No one liked this so if we are going to change it lets do

[Jon Sanders, 1/22/2001]

  (7) Section 8.10.5 - net_resolution function: No one liked this so if we are going to change it lets do
     it now.
   We have used the assign dVal = dVal; without much problems or complaints. The real issue is explaining driver receiver
   segregation not the syntax. Also, in 8.10.5 if we keep this syntax we should change it to be net_resoultion(port_identifier,
   net_identifier). LRM needs to clear up some things here i.e. 1) assign d=d will not work if d is a reg, 2) net_resolution is
   pretty hokey.
     Recommendation: Get rid of net_resolution and move back to assign statement. With connect modules now marked by the
     connectmodule keyword we should consider making assign dVal=dVal a default (not required to be specified) and then do a
     better job documenting how all of this works. What about if dVal is a reg?, does it get segregated in a connect module?
     probably not. Should reg's be allowed on connect module ports since they cannot "listen"? suspect this is needed so need to
     resolve this