Re: conjugate poles/zeros for the laplace and zi

Subject: Re: conjugate poles/zeros for the laplace and zi
From: Steve Hamm (
Date: Fri Mar 02 2001 - 16:33:14 PST

---"Martin" == Martin O'Leary <> writes:

Martin> If they match within a specific percentage like 0.1% or 1ppm
Martin> that should be close enough,

We're talking about two rules here, I think.

1: If two roots have "matching" real values and imaginary values that
   "match" but differ in sign, assume they form a conjugate pair
   (and force them to be an exact conjugate pair).

2: If a root has an imaginary part and no other root "matches" its
   real part and the absolute value of its imaginary part, create
   a conjugate root to complete the pair.

What tolerance value for "matching", though? That is always the
problem on things like this.

Suppose someone drops a list of poles into a laplace_zp filter, where
a pair of poles have imaginary terms that don't match. So, depending
on the tolerance, we assume:

   (a+jb) (a-j(b-eps)) -> (a+jb) (a-jb)

or (a+jb) (a-j(b-eps)) -> (a+jb) (a-jb) and (a+j(b-eps)) (a-j(b-eps))

So, we've possibly erroneously removed a pair of poles in the first
case, or we've just erroneously doubled a conjugate pair in the second
case, depending on the tolerance.

I don't like this situation, trying to guess the user's intent. So I
suppose I agree with Ian on this: we should either add syntax to allow
intent to be specified, or leave this alone.

--Steve ----- Motorola Inc. Circuit Simulation Group
      ---- TX32 PL29, 7700 W. Parmer Lane, Austin TX 78729 ----

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