Re: Prioritization issues: (resend)

Subject: Re: Prioritization issues: (resend)
From: Kevin Cameron x3251 (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 09:25:29 PDT

David Smith wrote:

> We have worked up some responses. I am sending only the top issues that we feel need to be address, some comments as appropriate, and an indication on those we agree or disagree with (even if not a priority).
> The basis for this analysis is the following:
> * the standard should be implementable by any development organization and be compatible with other vendor implementations. Seems simple, but with the Verilog-D underpinnings, one key is getting a well defined simulation cycle that is integrated with 1364 spec. The unified text should be reviewed.
> * somewhat related, the simulation cycle should be compatible with the VHDL-AMS simulation cycle to allow effective language interoperability. This does not mean that Verilog-D and VHDL-D differences should be coerced in any way, of course. But the interaction between analog solver time and digital time should be compatible. If the standards, for example, respond to the time of analog threshold crossing by requiring the event time to be calculated differently for the two languages, that would be a bad result.
> * Issues with the Verilog-A subset are less important, particularly as they relate to compatiblity with existing customer designs. We want clarity in the spec.
> * to get forward progress, by not trying to do everything in one revision. It is a bad idea to add features before disambiguating those that are defined. It is not black and white, but, for example, taking on the back annotation agenda now seems ill advised. A better LRM will result in a more timely manner if we do not overdilute the effort. There are just not enough people competent to work on this.
> The following document indicates our responses. It only covers our first 21 priorities. But that is enough to get working on. We do have some comments on non-prioritized items as well as indication of agreement or disagreement.
> We have provided both Excel and HTML formats.
> Regards
> David

Some feedback (original HTML indented):

          Truncating vs Rounding when
          converting Analog to Digital
                                                                 Neither rounding nor truncating is correct. The
                                                                 best solution is to either except the number
                                                                 (exact match) or raise to the next time slice).
                                                                 This is to eliminate back tracking the digital
                                                                 simulator. It is also consistent with 1076.1

The problem is that Verilog works with a variable time-step (set by the user). Zero-delay
events can be handled at the "real" time in a separate delta (and should be), but delays
like '#1' get put into the digital event queue which doesn't do real-time scheduling.

          Driver-receiver Segregation

                                                                 While it appears to be an extended form of signal
                                                                 resolution it is actually something quite
                                                                 different. The solution actually results in a
                                                                 partitioning of the net into multiple networks
                                                                 with different resolution schemes being used on
                                                                 different sections (analog net resolves using
                                                                 analog drivers with an analog value, digital net
                                                                 resolves using only the digital values).

The function of the D->A convertors is to translate digital drivers into an analog contributions
which can be solved together, and the result of that calculation is then converted back to
the digital domain via A->D convertors. Resolution takes place in the domain of highest
(sufficient) accuracy.

          External Module Definitions

                                                                 The problem is actually worse. If Verilog-AMS is
                                                                 meant to replace spice netlist then the issue
                                                                 stated is clearly a problem. Having a declaration
                                                                 mechanism (as suggested) does help to find the
                                                                 source. Unfortunately having the source is not
                                                                 enough. Each spice is different in its definition
                                                                 of the element parameters. A worse problem is the
                                                                 inability in Verilog-AMS to relate the process
                                                                 parameter information (model card) to any other
                                                                 system variables. While this is only a small
                                                                 problem with Verilog-2001 it will become
                                                                 significant when Verilog-plus-plus is released
                                                                 (next year). How much of a Spice netlist
                                                                 replacement is Verilog-AMS meant to be? I believe
                                                                 the Verilog 2001 syntax for include is: incluide
                                                                 <models.h>; The 'include<models.h> seems

Verilog uses regular double quotes for including file (""), but doesn't come with any
"standard" include files. The suggestion was to follow the C inclusion mechanism
for standard include files (<>) that come with a Verilog-A - i.e. the default disciplines
and math constants, and any other header files delivered with a Verilog-A[MS]

          Back-Annotation (ENH)


In my opinion it is better to have proposed solutions for this and any other problems that
will have to be addressed at some time in the future (at Accellera or the IEEE), so that
we don't create unnecessary problems and re-working. The proposed solutions do
not necessarily have to appear in the next LRM. (Re-netlisting is not an acceptable
approach to back annotation).

          Filters for foreign languages

                                                                 This is not a language issue but an environment
                                                                 issue. There are insufficient semantics to
                                                                 translate any spice netlist into Verilog-AMS.
                                                                 Filters are not possible without defining the
                                                                 missing semantics.

Filters are definitely possible without supporting all the quirks of all the Spice type
simulators. This mechanism was proposed primarily to handle direct use of SPF
from existing tools - SPF being a simpler subset of Spice netlist. It was also intended
to give a formal backward-compatibility mechanism for things not handled by
either the rep-stop or external-module mechanisms (e.g. Mast and Spectre).

If Verilog-A[MS] is missing any functionality required for supporting the translation
of Spice or other languages please point out the deficiencies so that we can fix them.

          Representation Stops

                                                                 This has little change of being adopted by the1364
                                                                 committee or the IEEE standardization process.


I would be happy to see alternative proposals for any of the external-module,
rep-stop or foreign language handling mechanisms - they were done a while
ago as a starting point.


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