Re: Proposal for rewriting Section 8.3.2

Subject: Re: Proposal for rewriting Section 8.3.2
From: Srikanth Chandrasekaran (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 22:11:14 PST

Martin & Others,

We would like to resolve the access of X & Z bits in analog context for two

* To be symmetrical between analog and digital with regards to resolving the
  value across domains
* To have a consistent behaviour/documentation as to how X & Z would be
  treated in the analog context as the current LRM leaves it open.
* We have some specific models where we need to access atleast Z bits in the
  analog context. This models need to be written in an efficient manner.

We can discuss more on this during the meeting.


Martin O'Leary writes:
#before we discuss this proposal on tomorrow, could you outline the
#reasons why you want to change section 8.3.2??
#Also could you outline the specific changes you want to make,
#desirably in terms of impact.
#As I mentioned in my previous email, there is a typo in a paragraph
#in 8.3.2 which should read;
#"All operators, functions and statements which are allowed in continuous
#except for case-equality, case-inequality, case, casex, casez,shall
#report an error if the expressions they operate on contain x or z bits".
#With this ammendment, what other issues do you have with 8.3.2?
#In terms of your proposal I have included comments in the attached message.
#Thanks and talk to you tomorrow,
#On Oct 29, 1:55pm, Srikanth Chandrasekaran wrote:
#> Subject: Proposal for rewriting Section 8.3.2
#> Hi Committee Members,
#> We have worked a proposal for rewriting section 8.3.2 which refers to
#> Proposal:
#> =========
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 8.3.2 "4-state logic processing in continuous context"
#> The Verilog-AMS HDL provides limited support for accessing and comparing
#> 4-state-logic values in the analog context. The following operands
#> return 4-state-logic values:
#> * digital net access (section 8.3.1)
#> * binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers (section 2.5).
#> When the above operands are used in analog context expressions,
#> 4-state-logic to integer values conversion are performed (section 8.3.1)
#> when the expression is solved.
#>Processing of 'x' and 'z' states is
#> vendor specific.
#In the ammended 8.3.2, this is defined as erroreous unless such states
#are being operated on by case[xz], ===, !===. In the committee we decided
#to be restrictive in this way so that X, Z access in the analog block could
#be liberalize in the LRM at some later point without concern for breaking
#existing modules at that point. Changing 8.3.2 so that "Processing
#of 'x' and 'z' states is vendor specific" defeats this intent.
#> Comparisons of 4-state logic values are limited to case, casez, casex
#> statements (section 6.5). All other analog context comparison
#> operators (ie. ===, !==) and statements (ie conditional) use real and
#> integer types only.
#In the 8.3.2 (ammended and unammended) suggests that ===, !==,
#case[xz] can be used to operate on 4-state expressions. In the proposal
#'===', '!==' were removed from that list. Can you explain why?
#> Example:
#> input net[1:2];
#> analog begin
#> case(net[1])
#> 1'b1: $strobe("net[1] = 1");
#> 1'b0: $strobe("net[1] = 0");
#> 1'bz: $strobe("net[1] = z");
#> 1'bx: $strobe("net[1] = x");
#> net[2]:$strobe("net[1] == net[2]");
#> endcase
#> end
#> If "net" is discrete, the "1'bx" and "1'bz" cases are solved without error.
#> If the "net" is continuous then the processing of the "1'bx" and "1'bz" cases
#> will be vendor specific.
#If a net is continuous, the above code is erroreous. Section 5.1.1
#states that; "Flows and potentials on nets, ports, and branches are accessed
#using access functions."
#The value of "net" is not accessed using an access function.
#Another question I have is how could "net" become continuous?
#Based on the usage of "net" above, when a simulator is resolving the
#domains of nets in a circuit, it should assume that "net" is discrete.


Srikanth Chandrasekaran
Global Software Group, EDA SBU
Motorola Australia.
Phone: +61-8-8168 3592 Fax: x3501

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