Subject: Re: Is there a face to face meeting tomorrow??????
From: Srikanth Chandrasekaran (
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 15:49:55 PST
Thanks Jon for sending this mail. I was about to send one regarding the same
issue. Also in the last call we had planned to have an LRM committee meeting
independent of face-to-face to discuss a bit more on the techinical issues of
the language standards. Is this happening?
Is there a call in number for the face to face meeting?
Jonathan Sanders writes:
#Is there a face to face meeting on Tuesday? is so when and where? if not
#Tuesday is there a new time? I have two papers to present and numerous
#meetings that are filling in my calendar as I suspect others have too so if
#we are having one could you let us know quickly so that we can try to
#adjust around it.
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