[Fwd] Deadline approaching - FDL 2002!

Subject: [Fwd] Deadline approaching - FDL 2002!
From: Kevin Cameron x3251 (dkc@galaxy.nsc.com)
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 15:59:16 PST


Forum on specification & Design Languages

Date: September 24 - 27, 2002
Location: ESIM - Marseille, France

An ECSI event
co-sponsored by ESIM

FDL is the European forum to exchange experiences and learn of new trends in
the application of languages and their associated design methods and tools
for the design of electronic systems. By offering several co-located events,
this multi-facetted forum gives an excellent
opportunity to gain up-to-date knowledge across a wide field.
The forum is organized around four interrelated workshops with tutorials,
panels, working sessions, poster sessions and technical discussions within
standardization and user group meetings.

1. AMS = Languages for Analog & Mixed-Signal System Design
Chair: Peter Schwarz <schwarz@eas.iis.fhg.de>

2. CSD = C/C++-Based System Design
Chair: Wolfgang Rosenstiel <rosenstiel@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>

3. UML = UML-Based System Specification & Design
Chair: Gjalt de Jong <gjalt.dejong@telelogic.com>

4. SFP = Specification Formalisms for Proven Design
Chair: Michael Butler <M.J.Butler@ecs.soton.ac.uk>

Authors are invited to submit papers to the corresponding workshop chair

Check the FDL2002 web site for paper submission information:

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