V-AMS DevModeling meeting July 29

Subject: V-AMS DevModeling meeting July 29
From: Geoffrey.Coram (Geoffrey.Coram@analog.com)
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 15:26:41 PDT

Greetings -
The next Verilog-AMS Device Modeling subcommittee meeting
will be Tuesday, July 29, at 11 AM Eastern (8 AM Pacific).

We will be addressing simulator-specificity and perhaps
limiting/convergence aids. That will pretty much wrap up
the first pass through the proposals, so we'll need to
start working on the syntax.

The dial-in information is below; thanks again to Ilya
and Cadence for sponsoring it.

> Toll-Free Number: 888-454-9810
> Toll Number: 1-415-228-4715
> PASSCODE: 92821


Geoffrey J. Coram, Ph.D.    Senior CAD Engineer     
Analog Devices, Inc.        Geoffrey.Coram@analog.com 
804 Woburn St., MS-422,     Tel (781) 937-1924
Wilmington, MA 01887        Fax (781) 937-1014

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