V-AMS DevModeling meeting March 23

From: Geoffrey.Coram <Geoffrey.Coram@analog.com>
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 13:22:10 PST

Greetings -
The device modeling extensions subcommittee will be meeting
Tuesday, March 23, at 3 PM Eastern (noon Pacific, 9 PM Europe).

The dial-in information is below; thanks again to Ilya
and Cadence for sponsoring it.

> Toll-Free Number: 888-454-9810
> Toll Number: 1-415-228-4715
> PASSCODE: 92821

I'll tell you what happened at the CMC meeting on March 12
as relates to Verilog-A, and we'll continue our discussion
of limiting. I've been playing with the CircuitSim93
examples, and for the MOS3 circuits, almost none of them
seem to converge without limiting.


Geoffrey J. Coram, Ph.D.    Senior CAD Engineer     
Analog Devices, Inc.        Geoffrey.Coram@analog.com 
804 Woburn St., MS-422,     Tel (781) 937-1924
Wilmington, MA 01887        Fax (781) 937-1014
Received on Mon Mar 22 13:22:17 2004

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