Re: V-AMS DevModeling meeting April 6, new proposal doc

From: Kevin Cameron <>
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 13:03:42 PDT

Geoffrey.Coram wrote:

>What I meant was that model cards are set up outside
>of the model equations (not independent).
>With paramsets, one would have a single module
>definition, say for BSIM5, and then several paramsets
>would set parameter values for the module.
>If one tried to use generate statements, you'd have
>to repeat the module definition each time to put
>different parameters in for the different devices
>(core, i/o, low-vt, medium-vt, whatever).
I was suggesting generate statements for binning because only the internal
behavior of the model changes, the ports don't . You can do
instantiation to call a single definition with different parameter
overrides if you
want to do it that way.

You could also use Verilog 200X configurations (LRM The use

Either way I don't think you really need to add a new construct for
parameter sets
or binning. In general it will be easier to add extra functionality to
either of the existing
mechanisms than to invent a new one.

Similarly, "aliasparam" is probably unnecessary if you can say "ref
param" (which
isn't allowed at the moment), or re-use the alias statement (currently
only for signals).


>"Geoffrey.Coram" wrote:
>>Kevin -
>>I found more detail about generate in 1364-2005-d2.pdf
>>and it doesn't work at all for paramsets. Generate
>>statements must lie within a module, but paramsets
>>(and their spice "equivalent", .model cards) are
>>set up independent of the module.
>>The way paramsets are proposed, one might even choose
>>to have a particular instance simulated by one of two
>>different modules.

Kevin Cameron, CPU Technology, CA 94588, Tel.: (925) 225 4862
Received on Mon Apr 5 13:03:52 2004

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