M-Factor proposal

From: Kevin Cameron <k.cameron@cputech.com>
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 10:48:27 PDT


Just thought I'd re-iterate my proposals from earlier



I suggest placing the m-factor in the same place as the

Verilog instance multiplier, since it performs a similar

function. A number in curly brackets in the instance probably

wouldn't clash with existing syntax: e.g.:


   foo foo1 (*...*) {1.5} (a,b,c...); // m-factor = 1.5


For AMS you need to be able to handle multipliers on digital blocks as

well as analog blocks, and the multipliers need to extend into the

A/D convertors (which is another reason for instantiating A/Ds under the

module where the drivers are rather than in the level above).



Multiplying a digital gate by a real number wouldn't change it's
function in a pure digital context, so having a module instantiated with

a multiplier of 1.5 is functionaly the same as having it once. However,
if it does have a multiplier of 1.5, then in a MS context where a driver

is being relayed to an analog context and a D2A is being inserted then
the D2A has to be multiplied (i.e. currents scaled by 1.5) - the same
goes for A2Ds on inputs.


By default module instances would have their contributions etc.

by the m-factor (as proposed), but if the module asks for the value

$mfactor) then it is responsible for handling the multiplication. E.g.:


   module foo (in,out);


      genvar real mf = $mfactor; // evaluated at elaboration


      analog I(out) = Func(mf) * V(in);







Kevin Cameron, CPU Technology, CA 94588, Tel.: (925) 225 4862


Received on Tue May 11 10:48:31 2004

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