I have placed a draft of the AMS LRM 2.2 on the eda.org
web page for our subcommittee:
This draft:
- does not contain $mfactor or paramsets
- includes some of the dc sweep proposal from Sri,
but not the mixed-signal semantics
- needs descriptions for the $simparam strings
(Colin - can you send me descriptions?)
I added change-bars to the table of contents so that
you could quickly see where the changes were made and
go directly to them. Change bars are all relative to
LRM 2.1 (there are some changes relative to draft a
of Annex A that I sent out earlier).
I hope to update the proposal document with the
LRM section numbers so that you can read the proposal
and find where the changes were. Hopefully by the
end of today.
I have to do something about paramsets ... soon.
Also, I need a volunteer to implement the MOS11 noise
model, specifically correlated gate noise, or to prove
it can't be done. I can send you a verilog-a version
of mos11010.
We'll be discussing this draft on Tuesday, May 18, at 9AM ET.
Call-in numbers, thanks to Cadence, are:
> Toll-Free Number: 888-454-9810
> Toll Number: 1-415-228-4715
> PASSCODE: 92821
Received on Thu May 13 12:58:31 2004
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