Re: constants.vams

From: Geoffrey.Coram <>
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 09:25:45 PDT

Kevin Cameron wrote:
> >2) Planck's constant is listed as P_K, which conflicts with the
> >definition of Boltzmann's constant; I believe the macro should
> >be P_H.
> >
> You could add P_H - removing P_K would probably be a bad idea, and
> changing P_K to be something else would be a very bad idea. Maybe
> add a comment the P_K will be deprecated.

No, the problem is that Boltzmann's constant is defined as P_K
and then three lines later, Planck's constant uses the same
macro identifier.

> If the constant definitions are wrong I would certainly vote for fixing
> them ASAP.

The error is in the 20th digit of M_TWO_PI, and since we're
using IEEE (754?) floating point, this won't make any difference
in the simulations.

The changes in the physical constants are within the error
bars on the constants.

But the P_H/P_K and P_U0 are definite problems. It seems
that no one could possibly be using the file as is.

Received on Mon Aug 23 09:26:04 2004

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