RE: strings, string variables, string parameters

From: Muranyi, Arpad <arpad.muranyi_at_.....>
Date: Tue Jul 26 2005 - 09:13:01 PDT

Thanks for pointing this out to me.  Re-reading sections 2.6.1
and 3.2 of the v2.2 LRM, it just dawned on me that parameters
are constants which is different from variables.  I believe this
justifies my expectations with the `define even more, which I
will explain in another message.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:33 AM
To: Martin O'Leary
Cc: Muranyi, Arpad; VerilogAMS Reflector
Subject: strings, string variables, string parameters

Arpad -
A "string variable" is a different animal entirely, see 2.6.1
of the 2.2 LRM (string variable declaration).

String parameters are new in the 2.2 LRM; I think they're not
in 1364, we took them from SystemVerilog.

Probably many of the places where a string is used in the LRM,
one should be allowed to use a string parameter.


> I was not able to do this, because the tools I tried it with
> expected a "constant string".  However, I am not aware that
> Verilog-AMS can distinguish between string constants and
> string variables.  Is this a tool implementation problem or
> a language definition problem?
> Oleary>
> The BNF explicitly requires a string for a file so it is
> language issue.
> I do agree however that parameterized filenames would be
> a useful addition.
Received on Tue Jul 26 09:13:10 2005

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