RE: Verilog-AMS question regarding retention

From: Marq Kole <marq.kole_at_.....>
Date: Wed Oct 12 2005 - 01:20:36 PDT wrote on 11-10-2005 18:22:20:


> In addition, it would be useful to describe how the past
> values of analog operators, such as ddt and idt are supposed
> to be resolved when they appear in conditional statements
> controlled by the analysis function.  For example, if I
> wrote the capacitor model using the integral form together
> with an analysis conditional statement:
>    if (analysis("static"))
>      some stuff here;
>    else
>      V(cap) <+ idt(I(cap), V0) / Cap_value;
> "my favorite simulator" ignores the V0 initial condition in
> the integral, because they only take it into consideration
> if the expression has been evaluated at t=0.  Since this
> code does not evaluate the integral at t=0, V0 gets ignored,
> which is clearly wrong from an electrical or mathematical
> point of view.  The LRM should give guidance on how to deal
> with these situations.

This is an excellent point: the LRM says that the idt() operator
should run from 0 to t, with the initial condition computed or
assigned in DC analysis. Now what happens if the simulation
starts at some other time, for instance to have some control logic
in a particular state? It should start from t0, where t0 is the
time value of the (implicit) DC analysis

> Thanks,
> Arpad
> ============================================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sri Chandra [] 
> Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 6:12 PM
> To: Muranyi, Arpad
> Cc: verilog-ams
> Subject: Re: Verilog-AMS question regarding retention
> Arpad,
> As geoffrey has pointed out the warning should come only if both flow 
> and potential contribution are done to the same branch within the same 
> iteration. You can either contribute to voltage (or) flow in a single 
> iteration but not both - which is not the case when it comes to switch 
> branches (as it happens in different iterations based on the value of 
> the constant if-conditional expression).
> Also, another point to note, the else condition on the switch branch is 
> not strictly necessary. If you have the following piece code:
> if (expr)
>    V(out) <+ rhs_expr;
> The above case also should be considered as a switch branch. The else 
> condition is automatically assumed to be an open circuit ie. current 
> contribution of zero (I(out) <+ 0;)
> Ofcourse, this makes the code bit less clear and i would suggest to 
> specify the else condition explicitly.
> cheers,
> Sri
> Muranyi, Arpad wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > It's been a while since I last wrote...
> > 
> > I found something in the LRM that seems to be a contradiction
> > to me.  Please help me to understand it, or if it is indeed
> > a problem in the LRM, I would like to request correction.
> > 
> > Section of the LRM v2.2 says:
> > 
> > "Contributing a flow to a branch which already has a value retained 
> > the potential
> > results in the potential being discarded and the branch being 
> > to a flow source.
> > Conversely, contributing a potential to a branch which already has a 
> > value retained for
> > the flow results in the flow being discarded and the branch being 
> > converted into a
> > potential source. This is used to model switches. It is illegal to 
> > contribute to an external
> > switch branch from within an analog block."
> > 
> > However, the example in section 4.5.1 seems to contradict this:
> > 
> > "Examples:
> > 
> > To implement nodesets or initial conditions using the analysis 
> > and switch
> > branches, use the following.
> > 
> > if (analysis("ic"))
> >   V(cap) <+ initial_value;
> > else
> >   I(cap) <+ ddt(C*V(cap));  "
> > 
> > 
> > This example gives me the impression that for some odd reason the
> > retention rule doesn't apply here, or has a different meaning, or
> > whatever...  Could someone please explain to me how to interpret
> > these sections in the LRM?
> > 
> > The reason I am hung up on this is because I have two simulators
> > which give me different results with a simple capacitor model I
> > wrote:
> > 
> >   analog begin
> >     if (analysis("static"))
> >       V(Out) <+ V0;
> >     else
> >       I(Out) <+ Scale * Cval * ddt(V(Out));
> >   end
> > 
> > One will retain the V0 value in the above code but the other
> > will not.  Which one is right?
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Arpad
> > ====================================================================
> > 
> -- 
> Srikanth Chandrasekaran
> Design Technology (Adelaide)
> Freescale Semiconductor
> Ph: +61-(0)8-8168 3592 Fax: x3201
Received on Wed Oct 12 01:21:59 2005

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