The question should be aimed at your simulator supplier - rather than the committee. Compilation is (or isn't) a requirement of the implementation, so you won't find it discussed much in the LRM. Kev. Muranyi, Arpad wrote: >Happy New Year to everyone! > >I have a question about the compilation of modules. Let's >take an example which is a model for a resistor, in which >the resistance value is parameterized. > >1) Does this module have to be re-compiled for every value >of the parameter value (in multiple instances in the same >simulation, or in the same instance of a sweep simulation)? > >Let's modify the problem, and consider a module for a PWL >source, for example, in which the data table is an array >parameter. > >2) If the size of the array parameter is fixed inside the >module, will this module need to be recompiled for each >instance or iteration that causes the data to be different? > >Let's modify this PWL module so that the array size is >dynamic, i.e. it is determined by another parameter, >therefore the various instances are allowed to have >a different array length. > >3) Will this module need to be recompiled for each instance >if the instances get different array parameter sizes? > >4) Will this module need to be recompiled for each >iteration of a sweep simulation if the array size is >not the same between the iterations? (I don't know >if this could realistically happen or not...) > >5) Any related comments, cautions, suggestions? > >Thanks, > >Arpad >============================================================= > > > >Received on Tue Jan 3 17:34:58 2006
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