And if its taken from 1364-1995 the ONLY runtype that would have been considered would a single transient run.. the only type of analysis considered for a logic simulator. In that context "compilation" is probably everything you do before you start evaluating the values of signals at time 0. It was not necessarily the "reduction to executable code" usually implied by software folks but more literally the phase of "piling together" the design prior to running. some vendor might get the bright idea for an interactive run where, at a stop point, a parameter value can be modified, and a new run started where the old one left off (and with the initial conditions the same as the final conditions of the other run, and the start time the same as the end time of the other run, writing to the same results database wouldn't violate this paragraph.. IOW, allowing the design to be recompiled, apparently in the middle of a run.. would this be a bad idea? Jonathan --- "Geoffrey.Coram" <> wrote: > Shalom - > There is perhaps a difference in understanding of > what "compilation" > means. In the Verilog-A compact modeling world, we > have these > very complicated modules that get "compiled" from > Verilog-A to > C and then to object code that is dynamically linked > into the > simulator. This is somewhat different from the > "compilation" > that I think digital Verilog simulators do when they > set up > a particular netlist to run (and run quickly). > > LRM 2.2 does, indeed, have that paragraph -- taken > directly > from 1364-1995 (section 3.10). All the analog > simulators > I've used take that with a nudge and a wink and > allow the > parameter value to be changed. Of course, since the > 1364 > LRM doesn't know what a "dc sweep" is, one could > argue that > a "dc sweep" is really a set of runs, in each of > which the > parameter value is constant. I believe there are > open issues > for Verilog-AMS about cleaning up the mixed-signal > initialization > and fully explaining what a "dc sweep" means. > > -Geoffrey > > > "Bresticker, Shalom" wrote: > > > > On the contrary, the 2.2 LRM says, > > > > "Parameters represent constants, hence it is > illegal to modify their > > value at runtime. However, parameters can be > modified at compilation > > time to have values which are different from those > specified in the > > declaration assignment. This allows customization > of module instances. A > > parameter can be modified with the defparam > statement or in the > > module_instance statement." > > > > A -defparam on the command line is just a > substitute for a defparam > > statement in the code. It is still evaluated at > compilation time. > > > > You should have some basic understanding of what > compilers do. > > Among others things, compilers translate the > source code into a data > > structure. Changing the data structure requires a > recompilation. It may > > be an incremental recompilation, but a > recompilation nevertheless. > > > > There might be special cases of parameters which > you could change > > without requiring a recompilation, such as a > transistor value, but that > > is not changing the data structure. > > > > Shalom >Received on Wed Jan 4 08:16:32 2006
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