Re: Why is type for string parameters mandatory?

From: Geoffrey.Coram <Geoffrey.Coram_at_.....>
Date: Wed Nov 15 2006 - 06:21:36 PST
Dave -
If you did
  parameter myParam = "abc";
and AMS didn't disallow this, it would still have to convert this
to a 24-bit integer.  I guess you would still be able to test
things like
  if (myParam == "nmos")
since both sides would be (converted from string literal to)
the same 24-bit integer value.

I would say, though, that AMS allows you to do
  parameter string myParam = "abc";
since it extends digital 1364, and also you should be able to
use the == and != operators, I don't think they're restricted
to the analog block.


Dave Miller wrote:
> Okay so Shalom's comment that parameter myParam = "abc" declares a 24bit
> vector makes sense as to why it works in digital. I just looked at it as
> they have allowed string parameters without declaring the type which was
> not quite right.
> Digital explicitly disallows me to declare a string parameter as:
> parameter string myParam = "abc";
> Analog currently explicitly disallows me to declare a string parameter as:
> parameter myParam = "abc";
> Because parameters are at module scope and hence domain less (well thats
> how I look at them) this creates some conflict if I happen to want to
> use the same parameter in both domains.
> The biggest use I am seeing for string parameters today in my work is in
> test benches where they are being used for error messages and to store
> the filename of a file to be used in a $fopen() statement.
> Dave

Geoffrey J. Coram, Ph.D.    Senior CAD Engineer     
Analog Devices, Inc. 
804 Woburn St., MS-422,     Tel (781) 937-1924
Wilmington, MA 01887        Fax (781) 937-1014
Received on Wed Nov 15 06:21:44 2006

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