Minutes of the Verilog-AMS committee call: 15 May 2008

From: Sri Chandra <sri.chandra_at_.....>
Date: Thu May 15 2008 - 11:15:57 PDT

I have minuted the changes discussed in today's meeting. Hopefully i 
have got the points across clearly on the different points (and 
specifically on chapter 9 changes). Please let me know if you need any 
additional clarification on these.

Date: 15 May 2008

Geoffrey Coram, Analog Devices
Marek Mierzwinski, Tiburon
Martin O'Leary, Cadence
Stu Sutherland, Sutherland HDL
Patrick O'Halloran, Tiburon
Dave Cronauer, Synospsys
Ken Bakalar, Mentor Graphics
Jonathan David, Qualcomm
Marq Kole, NXP
Sri Chandra, Freescale

Chapter 1: Verilog-AMS introduction
* [clause 1.1, pg 15]: remove Verilog-D reference and the text within ()
* [clause 1.1, pg 15]: Add "as described in Annex C" in the Verilog-A 
reference --> ("also referred to as Verilog-A as described in Annex C")

Chapter 3: Data types
* [Syntax 3-2, Pg 41]: In value_range syntax definition, the wrong type 
of ` has been used (should not be a back-tick). Same update needs to be 
done in Annex A also.
* [clause 3.4.6, pg 44]: typo on "transistortype"

Chapter 4: Expressions
* [Table 4-14, pg 71]: Use ">=" for sqrt()
* [Table 4-15, pg 72]: Use "<=" for acos()
* [clause 4.5.6, pg 65]: remove ";" in the general form for the ddx() 
* [clause 4.5.6, pg 65]: move inout declaration before electrical 
declaration in both the diode examples
* [cluase 4.5.6, pg 65, 66]: font correction (bold) for limexp and vt in 
both the diode examples
* [clause, pg 88]: fix font on laplace_zp example for 
"white_noise". Should be bold.
* [clause 4.6.4, pg 94]: fix the BNF for noise_table (same fix to be 
done in Annex A.8.2)
   | noise_table (constant_concatenation | string [, string ])

Chapter 6: Hierarchical structures
* [clause 6.4, pg 140]: The .model card statement should refer to nmos 
instead of nmos3
* [clause 6.6.2, pg 154]: ";" missing in module pipeline_adc on the top 
of the page

Chapter 7: Mixed signal
* [clause 7.3.2, pg 165]: add "inout anet" to the converter example.
* [clause 7.3.2, pg 165]: add "output dnet" to the converter example.
* [clause 7.3.2, pg 165]: The last statement in the analog block should 
say V(anet) <+ dnet; instead of V(anet) <+ 1'bz;

Chapter 9: System tasks and functions
* [syntax 9-8, pg 224]: remove ";"
* [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: Remove the first half of the "if" clause in 
the last sentence in paragraph beginning with "The random_seed argument 
may take one of several forms"...The last sentence will just read "The 
function returns a new 32-bit random number each time it is called."
* [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: In the paragraph starting with "$arandom 
supports the seed argument..."
   The second sentence should say the following: "The analog_random_seed 
argument can also be a parameter or a constant, in which case the system 
function does not update the parameter value". (added parameter before 
value to make it more explicit).
* [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: Please add the following new sentence after 
the second sentence in the same paragraph:
   "However an internal seed is created which is assigned the initial 
value of the parameter or constant and the internal seed gets updated 
every time the call to $arandom is made."
* [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: Change cross-reference to 6.3 instead of 6.4
* [Syntax 9-9, pg 225]: remove ";" for the distribution functions.
* [Syntax 9-9, pg 225]: fix font for ")" in rdist_t syntax
* [clause 9.13.2, pg 225]: In bullet point #3 add the above two fixes 
done for $arandom with parameter seed (adding parameter and inserting 
the new sentence):
   "... upon successive calls to the system function. If the seed 
argument is parameter or constant, then the system function does not 
update the parameter value. However an internal seed is created which is 
assigned the initial value of the parameter or constant and the internal 
seed gets updated every time the call to $arandom is made. This makes 
the system function useable for parameter initialization."

Chapter 10: Compiler directives
* [clause 10.6, pg 254]: ";" missing in "input sin;" in the example at 
the very bottom of the page.
* [clause 10.6, pg 255]: Add the following note before the example for 
   Note: The identifier logic is not a keyword in Verilog-AMS v2.3, and 
is a keyword in the P1800-2005 System Verilog standard.
* [clause 10.6, pg 255]: "electrical" and "logic" should not be bold in 
the example given to describe VAMS-2.3

Annex A: Formal syntax definition
* [A.2.5, pg 343]: use correct ` (tick) for the value_range_type.
* [A.8.2, pg 359]: fix syntax definition for noise_table
   | noise_table (constant_concatenation | string [, string ])

Annex D: Standard definitions
* [Annex D.1, pg 372]: domain discrete needs ';'

Annex E: Spice Compatability
* [Annex E.1.2, pg 378]: the blank bullet (bullet # 4) to be deleted.
* [Annex E.1.2, pg 378]: Bullet #3 and #5 to be merged into one.

Annex G: Open issues
* Annex G to be deleted from the LRM.

Annex H: Change history
* [Table H.4, pg 398]: Items 14 & 16 are duplicates. Stu to verify.
* [Table H.4, pg 398]: In item 17, cross/timer/above have an additional 
enable argument.
* [Table H.4, pg 398]: Items 33 and 34 can be merged into single item
* [Table H.4, pg 399]: Add new item saying "Annex G of LRM v2.2 has been 
deleted. Annex C of LRM v2.2 has been split and the section describing 
the changes from previous LRM versions has been documented in this 
Annexure (Annex H)."
* [clause H.1.1, pg 399]: Clause H.1.1 should become H.2

Next Committee Meeting:
* Planned for Monday, May 19th 7am Pacific time
* Stu plans to release the next version of the document before the end 
of this week. Stu will send across two versions, one with change bars 
(to reflect the changes from today's meeting) and one without change 
bars - the official draft4 version.
* Once all the changes are ratified by the committee, the clean LRM v2.3 
draft4 version will be submitted to the Accellera board from approval

Srikanth Chandrasekaran
Design Technology (Tools Development)
Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
T:+91-120-439 5000 p:x3824 f: x5199

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