RE: A comment

From: Muranyi, Arpad <Arpad_Muranyi_at_.....>
Date: Wed Feb 18 2009 - 09:08:29 PST
Thanks Dave for the answer.  I am not sure
how that sentence escaped my attention, I
see it now...



-----Original Message-----
From: David Miller [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:02 AM
To: Muranyi, Arpad
Cc: Verilog-AMS LRM Committee
Subject: Re: A comment

Hello Arpad,
as with most of the tolerance values used in the analog functions, if they are 
not specified then they will default to your particular simulators default values.
This will vary across simulators.
For example,
exprTol may default to a really large number.
timeTol may default to some function of the current timestep size.

LRM 2.3 - mentions this in the last sentence of second paragraph:

"If the tolerances are not defined, then the tool (e.g., the simulator) sets 
them. If either or both tolerances are defined, then the direction shall also 
be defined."

hope this helps,


Muranyi, Arpad wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Sorry that I haven't been attending the meetings, but I
> have been faithfully reading the emails.
> I would like to "submit" a comment (and perhaps a minor
> request).  A few days ago I ran into a situation when
> I had to deal with the cross() function's tolerance
> settings.  I wanted to find out what it will do when
> neither the time or voltage tolerance values are used
> for it, but was unable to find anything in the LRM on
> it.  Is it described anywhere?  If not, my request would
> be to spell out what it does if they are not defined.
> If yes, could someone point it out to me where it is
> mentioned?
> Thanks,
> Arpad
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-- David Miller
-- Design Technology (Austin)
-- Freescale Semiconductor
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Received on Wed Feb 18 09:09:37 2009

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