Fusion: FlashPro3


FlashPro3 is targeted at the latest generation of Flash devices offered by Actel: Fusion, ARM-enabled ProASIC3/E, and ProASIC3/E. FlashPro3 offers extremely high performance through the use of USB 2.0 and is high-speed compliant for full use of the 480 Mbps bandwidth. This newest programmer can program ProASIC3E devices in under 30 seconds; even the largest ProASIC3E devices take under two minutes to program. Powered exclusively via USB, FlashPro3 provides a VPUMP voltage of 3.3 V for programming ProASIC3/E and ARM-enabled ProASIC3/E devices. FlashPro3 can connect to any PC with a USB port and can operate either with USB 1.1 (full-speed) or USB 2.0 (both high-speed and full-speed modes). Multiple FlashPro3 programmers may be connected together via USB hubs to enable multiple systems to be programmed in parallel using just one PC with the FlashPro software.

High performance Fusion Flash memory blocks support multiple functions, including state saving of volatile RAM and registers prior to power-down, initialization of RAM and registers at power-up, boot code store, data logging, and configuration data for the analog peripherals.The embedded FlashROM offers another programmable space, supporting use models such as device serialization.

Fusion programmable logic fabric has configurability and field reprogrammability similar to that of the successful Actel ProASIC3 family of Flash FPGA devices. The Flash memory of Fusion devices can also be easily programmed and reprogrammed with the FlashPro3 programmer. FlashPro3 supports a robust programming solution for the three regions of the Fusion device (FPGA core, Flash blocks, and FlashROM).

All three regions can be programmed in a single step, such as on a manufacturing line, when only a single device configuration is needed. Each region can also be programmed separately from the other two, increasing programming efficiency and enabling independent updates of design (FPGA code) and firmware (Flash memory blocks).

The programming can be used in conjunction with the embedded AES decryption engine, enabling secure programming both on the factory floor and in the field. Using an encrypted file for field upgrades enables the file to be sent over unsecured networks, such as the Internet, while securing the contents of the file. This method can be used on both design file upgrades and firmware upgrades. The embedded Flash memory blocks can be programmed with the data while still encrypted, and decrypted only when needed by the system.

FlashPro3 uses the same GUI driven software as FlashPro and FlashPro Lite, and supports JEDEC-standard STAPL files, eliminating the need to learn new software.

FlashPro3 Key Features:
  • Supports Fusion, ARM-enabled ProASIC3/E, and ProASIC3/E devices
  • Supports in-system programming
  • Device chain information detection, bypassing non-Actel Flash devices
  • Free software updates
  • Connects to USB 2.0 Port (High-Speed and Full-Speed) or USB 1.1 Port
  • STAPL support
  • Supports Windows 2000 and XP Operating Systems