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Corporate Overview

Every room. Every corner. With Cirrus, you create an...

Extreme Entertainment Experience™

An exciting revolution is taking place in digital entertainment electronics. And it's sweeping across 650 million households worldwide as living rooms magically transform into thrilling home theaters. In the vanguard are DVD players, which have rocketed to widespread acceptance faster than any consumer electronics product. The popularity of DVD is prompting more and more consumers to expand and upgrade their entertainment systems. The market opportunity is enormous for DVD-based systems as well as Audio/Video Receivers, Game Boxes, Personal Video Recorders, Set-top Boxes, MP3/CD Players, and Wireless Residential Gateways.

Winning in these growth markets will require powerful IC-plus-software solutions that deliver the state-of-the-art features that consumers demand. One semiconductor company is exceptionally well positioned to provide such solutions. A US-based company with operations in Japan, Taiwan, China and Europe. A company that stands ready to offer the worldwide support and digital entertainment focus needed to capitalize on this timely window of opportunity. A company that offers Total Entertainment (Total-E™) OEM solutions in every room and every corner. Enabling consumers to experience extreme entertainment from digital content like never before. That company is Cirrus.

Home Entertainment

Our long-standing market and technology leadership in audio ICs stands as a clear testament that you will be in good company when you specify Cirrus home entertainment chip solutions. We have extended our worldwide audio leadership into the video entertainment realm through both internal R&D and the acquisition of strategic technologies. If your entertainment electronics strategy includes Audio/Video Receivers, DVD-based products, Game Boxes, Personal Video Recorders or Internet-ready TV, you can look to Cirrus as your one-stop shop for the key ICs you’ll need. Indeed, Cirrus processors are designed into some of today’s top-selling Game Boxes and 9 of the top 11 Audio/Video Receiver brands.

Portable Devices

Cirrus product roadmaps -- which fully draw on the mixed-signal expertise of our technologists -- call for the increasing convergence of audio and video functions as well as highly efficient digital amplifiers. Our steady march toward higher integrations continues to spawn IC solutions that are ideally suited to enable the low-power operation and small form factors required by portable and smart handheld electronics. As the consumer appetite for anytime-anywhere entertainment continues to grow amid the ever-expanding volume of digital content and increasing availability of broadband services, Cirrus stands ready to provide a broad choice of IC solutions to enable your next-generation designs. Indeed, Cirrus established early market leadership in nearly all Internet audio growth segments, including portable MP3 players, automotive entertainment systems, cell phones, eBooks, and home audio server jukebox applications.

Home Connectivity

Envision a home where audio and video streams effortlessly from room to room. Where it is possible to route digital content from multiple sources -- such as an entertainment center or PC -- to speakers in the kitchen, bedroom or other locations in the home -- using Ethernet or existing home wiring or wireless technologies. Connect with Cirrus and we’ll help you target your next product design into this potentially huge market. The success of your next networked product design -- be it a media server or set-top box -- may very well depend on how well it complies with industry standards such as WiFi/802.11 or PCI/USB -- or how effectively it addresses Internet security and privacy concerns. Cirrus solutions are designed to address these important issues. As Internet access becomes pervasive, OEM opportunities in home connectivity will surely expand. Connect today with Cirrus for IC solutions that can add high value to your next networked entertainment product.

Industrial Measurement

The entertainment-centric chip solutions that Cirrus offers today often trace their high-performance analog and mixed-signal technologies back to the data acquisition and converter chips that the company first developed for demanding industrial applications. In fact, Cirrus gained an early competitive edge in the consumer audio IC market with its patented Delta Sigma (ΔΣ) technology that was originally developed for industrial Analog-to-Digital Converters. Cirrus expects to continue incubating advanced technologies in this manner, targeting applications including industrial Ethernet, energy management, and seismic data analysis for oil exploration. Within this Product Guide, you not only will find industrial IC solutions that are best in their class, but also technologies that drive the most advanced analog and mixed-signal developments for our broader line of entertainment chip solutions.

Rich Patent & Product Portfolio

Look into our patent and product portfolio and you’ll see the future of electronics. You’ll discover more than 1,100 patents, issued and filed, plus a broad range of solutions that integrate high-performance analog and complex digital functions on a single chip. Our mixed-signal solutions routinely push the performance envelope, enabling us to stimulate growth in emerging markets. Having logged more than 75 industry firsts over our 17 years in business, we continue to demonstrate why Cirrus is the definitive source for digital entertainment electronics. Our applications engineers stand ready to work closely with you to enable the industry’s most advanced audio, video and wireless capabilities in your next product design.


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