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Dasylab FAQ:

How do I use my Sealevel Serial I/O Card with Dasylab?

      Answers below in detail

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Lets begin by adding a slider and a bar graph to the workspace. Bring up the property page of the bar graph and click on the scaling button. Set the "display from" to 0 and the "display to" to 5. Now we have our input source and output source.

Now we will add the serial out and serial in modules to the workspace. Click on the "Modules" option on the menu bar and scroll to "Input/Output". Add a RS232 Input and a RS232 Output to the workspace. We will configure the serial output first. Bring up the property page for the serial output module and click the button com port. Set the port to the setting you recorded earlier and set the other options as desired. We need to configure the serial input now. Open up the serial input property page. Now click on the button com port and set these properties up the same as the serial outputs properties. All we have to do now is tie the modules together. Connect the output of the slider to the input on the serial out. Then tie the output of the serial in to the bar graph.

Now we are done. Run the program and as you move the slider you will see the bar graph changing. What happens when you change the slider is you send the value out the com port and when the serial input module reads the value is display it on the bar graph.