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Iconics FAQ:

How do I use my Sealevel Digital I/O Card with Iconics?

      Answers below in detail

Download the PDF file to view the complete installation instructions including pictures.
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3rd Party Software
It is very easy to use any SeaIO Digital I/O card with Iconics. Install the card as per the directions in SeaIO.hlp or your manual, and use the "SeaIO Devices" in the control panel or the property page to find out what the port number the card is installed as.

Port Control
Startup AlarmWorX32 and create a new workspace. In the right hand corner click on the OLE button and bring up the insert object dialog box. In this dialog box select the ActiveIo_PortDisplay Control and click the ok button to add the control to the workspace. Now that we have added the control to the workspace there is a new icon in the lower right hand corner. This is the ActiveIo_PortDisplay control icon. You can now add as many to the workspace by simple clicking this icon. Right click on a clean area of workspace and select view code. You should see a function block like the example below.

Private Sub Document_Open( )

End Sub

We configure the control to the specific card and port here. Lets start with the deviceNumber. Enter the line of code to the Documents_Open function. Replace X with the card number and Y with the port number of the device to be controlled or monitored.

    ActiveIo_PortDisplay1.deviceNumber = X
    ActiveIo_PortDisplay1.port = Y

Next we need to set up how the control is to look. If the port being used is an input we will display lights to view if the input has been triggered but if the port is an output we will display switches to control the outputs. For inputs add this line of code.


For outputs add this line of code.


Here are some Examples of what it should look like.

Example 1: Card number 5 monitoring port 6 that is an input.
Private Sub Document_Open( )
    ActiveIo_PortDisplay1.deviceNumber = 5
        ActiveIo_PortDisplay1.port = 6
End Sub

Example 2: Card number 3 monitoring port 1 that is an output.
Private Sub Document_Open( )
    ActiveIo_PortDisplay1.deviceNumber = 3
        ActiveIo_PortDisplay1.port = 1
End Sub

Now we are ready to test the program. Click on the AlarmWorX32 icon in the taskbar and select the "Enter Runtime" option on the menu bar. Test the control depending on how you configured the device. For more information see the SeaIO_PortControl example.

Device Control
    The device control is similar to the port display. The device control has no graphical interface. This is great for apps where you want to use the card but there is no need for a user interface. The device control also offers more options than the port control. The setup is very similar to the port display. For more information see the SeaIO_DeviceControl example.