How do I use my Sealevel Serial I/O Card with Intellution's iFIX?

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3rd Party Software
Serial I/O Card Installation

Asynchronous Serial communication capabilities are built into Visual Basic by using the Open, Close, Get, and Put statements.
First, you "Open" COM1 or whatever Com# you may be using. Next it is your option to read data from the port by using the Get statement or send data out the port by using Put. An example of using the Open statement: (Open "COM1:9600,n,8,1" For Random As #1). That statement will open Com 1 at 9600 bits/second, no parity, 8 bits per character, 1 stop bit, for Random access, and file number 1. The put statement is what you would use to output a string of data to the Com port: (Put #1 , , out). "Out" being a string variable containing data. It does not have to be a string, but it works well as an example. Get and Close are similarly implemented. For complete documentation consult the Visual Basic reference guide.