How do I use my Sealevel Synchronous I/O Card with Intellution's iFIX?

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3rd Party Software
Synchronous I/O Card Installation

You can use the already written .GLO file we have located in the Samples\VBTerm for SeaMAC. You would insert it either by clicking and dragging the VBTerm.GLO into your project or by typing in the API linking manually as shown in the VBTerm.glo.

After that point, you would use the SeaMAC_PortOpen to initially open the card. The parameter being: SeaMAC_PortOpen(4 , 0 , Handle). 4 Is the driver number. 0 for Asynchronous, 1 for HDLC530, 2 for MSBS530(Not implemented), 3 for HDLCC32, and 4 for the new WDM all-inclusive driver (new to SeaMAC rev 3+ packages). 0 is the port number. This number increments depending on how many cards you have in your system configured for X driver.

Handle will be the handle to the port you will be opening for reference to other functions. From there you have the option to use SeaMAC_PutData or SeaMAC_GetData to send and receive data respectively. The SeaMAC_SetPortState will allow for dynamic reconfiguration of the card's behavior. Data rate, clocking methods, etc.; however, it is recommended that you do the SetPortState before you are in the middle of data transfer due to the possibility of data loss. The rest of the API functions are well documented in the Help files and can extend the functionality of the card.