TestPoint FAQ:

How do I use my Sealevel Synchronous I/O Card with TestPoint?

Answers below in detail

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Synchronous I/O Card Installation

Installing a Sealevel Synchronous Card With TestPoint:

It is very easy to use any Sealevel Synchronous 85230 card with TestPoint. Install the card as per the directions in SeaMAC.hlp or your manual, and use the "SeaMAC Drivers" icon in the control panel to find out what port the card is installed as.

The method of attaching external APIs, (or any arbitrary .DLL,) to TestPoint is given in chapter 23 of the manual. For each call into the DLL, a separate "CODE" icon is brought into your list of objects. The "DLL filename" is SEAMAC32.DLL, and the "Subroutine Name" is any of the calls listed in the API. (Do not include the parentheses in the "Subroutine Name.")

Lets get started. First drag four "Pushbutton" objects to the objects list and name them.

Now that we have the Buttons on the form lets add the code that makes it all work! Drag four "Code" objects to the object list.

Double clicking on one of the code objects will bring up the object property dialog box. Open all the code property dialog boxes and set up.

Now that the code properties are setup correctly we can setup a couple of "Containers" to store data. Drag five "Container" objects to the object list and name them.

Lets add some "Display" objects so that we can view what is going on in our program. Drag three "Display" objects to the objects list and name.

Lets get back to the "Pushbuttons". Double clicking on the pushbutton icons in the objects list will bring up their property dialog box. Click on the "Actions" tab and setup the four pushbuttons.

Now that we have everything set up correctly, lets do some cosmetic cleanup.

The SeaMAC example distributed here, SeaMacEcho.TST, works with with the SeaMAC driver set to "Async" protocol. The "Get Data" function in the example assumes that an external loopback is in place, but is not necessary for running the driver.