TestPoint FAQ:

How do I use my Sealevel Digital I/O Card with TestPoint?

Answers below in detail

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Digital I/O Card Installation

It is very easy to use any Sealevel Digital I/O card with TestPoint. Install the card as per the directions in SeaIO.hlp or your manual, and use the “SeaIO Devices” in the control panel to determine the port number the card is installed as. The method of attaching external APIs, (or any arbitrary .DLL,) to TestPoint is given in chapter 23 of the manual. For each call into the DLL, a separate "CODE" icon is brought into your list of objects. The "DLL filename" is SEAIO32.DLL, and the "Subroutine Name" is any of the calls listed in the API. (Do not include the parentheses in the "Subroutine Name.")

First drag three “pushbuttons” to the objects lists. Double clicking on an item in the object list will bring up the property dialog box for the item. Name the three pushbuttons.  Next add the code object. This is the key to access SeaIO. Drag three “code” objects, to the objects list. The code objects should appear in the list, double click on the object to bring up the property dialog box. Setup up all the code objects.  Once the code properties are set, at runtime the code returns a value to the program. style="mso-spacerun: yes">  This value requires a location known as the “containers”. style="mso-spacerun: yes">  The “containers” need to be added to the objects list. Drag three “container” icons to the objects list and name them.  Return to the top of the objects list and double click on the “Open” object.Click on the “Actions” tab, to setup up the “pushbuttons”.   Click “Run”, then the “Open” button. style="mso-spacerun: yes">    The display should say card opened and return an error code of 0. style="mso-spacerun: yes">  The error code display will return the SeaIO API return codes.   For help please see the SeaIOsimple.tst example program. The SeaIOsimple.tst file is distributed with SeaIO or available on our website.