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Agilent VEE FAQ:

How do I use my Sealevel Serial I/O Card with Agilent VEE?

Answers below in detail

3rd Party Software

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Using a Sealevel SeaCom Card With VEE:

It is very easy to use any Sealevel SeaCOM card with VEE. Install the card as per the directions in Win2kHelp.hlp or your manual,
and use the *Port Manager utility to find out what serial port your card is located at. Install the VISA IO Software located at Once the software has been loaded restart the computer.

First lets set up the Instrument Manager by clicking on I/O on the main menu and selecting Instrument Manager. Once in the
instrument manager click the add button and use this configuration to configure the port.

Name: COM Port
    Interface: Serial
       Address: *Serial Port Number

*This will be the number you got using the port manager utility

Then click Ok then select the button labeled Direct I/O. This will let you add the control to the work area. Now double click on the text to add a transaction and then fill in the third box over with this text. "Hello World"!! Don't forget the "" marks you MUST have them!! Click ok. Add another transaction but this time select read in the first box and string format in the box below that. Now you should be able to see the x on the right side of the COM Port box.
Click Display on the main menu and select alphanumeric. Add the control to the work area. Now connect the output x from the COM Port box to the alphanumeric input pin. We are almost ready to test our program. Select flow from the main menu and add a start button to the work area. Connect the pin on the bottom of the
start button to the top pin on the COM Port box. These pins are known as control pins. Now we are ready to test our program. Make sure you have a valid loop back connector on the port specified above then click the start button. If you see Hello World in the alphanumeric box then the program work correctly and you are ready to edit this to your specific needs. If you run into any problems make sure to re-read the document and make sure no steps were left out.