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SPARCTM V8 Technology

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Microprocessor designers can now license and download the SPARCTM microprocessor architecture from Sun Microsystems. The architectural specification for the 32-bit SPARC V8 implementation of SPARC is  readily available via the Internet . Designed by Sun, this architectural specification is based on the widely accepted microSPARC-IIep microprocessor. The microSPARC-IIep is a low-cost, highly integrated implementation of the SPARC V8 architecture with a  PCI bus interface.

SPARC stands for Scalable Processor Architecture.  The SPARC architecture is implemented in processors used in a range of devices from digital cameras to supercomputers. SPARC International member companies have have implemented over a dozen different compatible microprocessors since SPARC was first introduced - more than any other microprocessor family with this level of binary compatibility. As a result, SPARC today boasts over 12,000 compatible software application programs.  Its rich set of features is based on RISC architecture that will remain competitive well into the next century. 

For SPARC certification, verification, and trademarks information contact SPARC International

In the past, companies developing microprocessors had to make a substantial financial investment up front before exploring and innovating with an underlying architecture.  The Sun Community Source Licensing (SCSL) model changes all that, for it enables tool vendors, chip developers, commercial OEMs, universities, and research organizations to "test drive" the SPARC architecture without paying any fees during the initial evaluation and development phases. By gaining easy access to the SPARC processor technology with no initial investment, it is possible to:

  • Explore and develop pilot programs for new types of microprocessors. 
  • Exploit lower risk benefits to expand product development programs, which allows for more innovation. 
  • Improve time-to-market because easy access to licensable intellectual property means shorter development cycles. 
  • Build more competitive, connected products that take advantage of well known networking technologies from Sun.
The microSPARC-IIep technology is currently being used in a variety of embedded systems-on-chip (SOC) applications such as set-top-box controllers (Oak Technology, Scientific-Atlanta), video encode/decode engines (C-Cube), and network controllers (T.sqware).

The technology available for download here refers to the microSPARC IIep implementation of the SPARC V8 architechture. The microSPARC IIep implementation also includes Intellectual Property from Synopsys Inc. (PCI Interface model), Phoenix Technologies Ltd. (PCI core & PCI Interface model), and Meiko Inc. (FPU). Cadence Design Systems, Inc. provided design services for the integration of the microSPARC IIep technology. 


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