Ann Duft Kathy Keller
Xilinx, Inc. Oak Ridge Public Relations
(408) 879-4726 (408) 253-5042
Version 1.4 software provides access to higher design performance and device density
with additional Japanese operating system support

Tokyo, Japan., March 16,1998—Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX) today announced it has begun shipping the Japanese version of its software series, Alliance and Foundation Series version 1.4J. The new version delivers up to 85 percent faster compile times and a 25 percent increase in clock speed performance over the previous version for programmable logic devices. Version 1.4J extends the Japanese content in the software by delivering an easy-to-use Japanese graphical user interface, translated on-line help, extensive translated electronic, and hard copy documentation. The Alliance and Foundation Series software is available for most PCs including IBM compatibles running Windows 95 J and NT J. This release also supports NEC PC9800 computers running either Windows 95 J or NT J. 

"Our customers can enjoy a significant advantage by having a complete programmable logic solution tailored to the needs of the Japanese design engineer," said Hiroyuki Takasaki, president of Xilinx Japan. "The addition of a localized software solution to our extensive technical support and training services will help increase the productivity of our customers. As part of our continued commitment to the Japanese market, we have matched the localized content of our software to the customer-specific market requirements." 

The Japanese version of the Alliance Series 1.4 software is identical to the English version. In this new version Xilinx has made proprietary technological advancements in FPGA, VHDL, and Verilog simulation. Xilinx developed a user methodology for designers to model the effects of the unique configurations of Xilinx FPGAs. The methodology makes designing particularly easy for traditional ASIC designers moving to programmable logic. A combination of extensive automated and hands-on design flow testing ensures that the Japanese Alliance series meets the highest quality standards. 

This Japanese release of Foundation Series software, like the English counterpart, represents the broad distribution of Synopsys FPGA Express technology to Foundation Series customers with several new features and flow enhancements. The tightly integrated design solution of Foundation Series 1.4 software serves the time to market concerns of many high-volume users who demand easy to use tools that support HDL-based methodologies. Spartan FPGAs and Foundation Series software provide everything needed to complete high volume applications quickly and easily, making a complete low-cost ASIC replacement solution. 

This release marks the fourth consecutive Japanese software version from Xilinx with continually increasing Japanese content. Digital designers who have used the previous versions of Japanese software helped to define the contents of this release. Localized user manuals are included with every new system allowing a user to go from installation to design completion by referring to a single Japanese document. 

The Alliance Series version 1.4J software is available in several different configurations and priced from $495 to $3995. The Foundation Series version 1.4J software will be available later this month with pricing from $495 to $7995. 

Xilinx is the leading innovator of complete programmable logic solutions, including advanced integrated circuits, software design tools, predefined system functions delivered as cores, and unparalleled field engineering support. Founded in 1984 and headquartered in San Jose, Calif., Xilinx invented the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and commands more than half of the world market for these devices today. Xilinx solutions enable customers to reduce significantly the time required to develop products for the computer, peripheral, telecommunications, networking, industrial control, instrumentation, high-reliability/military, and consumer markets. For more information, visit the Xilinx web site at

Xilinx is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc. All XC-prefix product designations, Foundation, and Alliance are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Other brands or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 

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