Ann Duft Kathy Keller 
Xilinx, Inc. Oak Ridge Public Relations 
(408) 879-4726 (408) 253-5042
Xilinx performance leadership increased another 25 percent

SAN JOSE, Calif., February 23, 1998—Xilinx, Inc., (NASDAQ: XLNX) today announced the new version of its Alliance Series version 1.4 software, delivering up to 85 percent faster compile times and a 25 percent increase in clock speed performance for programmable logic devices. The software, which supports the industry's highest density FPGA, the Xilinx XC40125XV with up to 250,000 system gates, is available now. 

New sophisticated Xilinx place and route algorithms enable digital designers to achieve faster run times over the previous versions. These algorithmic advancements allow new place and route default settings that further contribute to the dramatic compile time reduction. The addition of a new, graphical place and route option simplifies user selection between fast compile times and optimum design performance. 

Xilinx EDA partners such as Aldec, Cadence, Exemplar Logic, OrCAD Express, Model Technology, Mentor Graphics, Metamor, Synplicity Inc., Synopsys, Veribest Inc., and Viewlogic contributed to both the faster run times and system performance enhancements of the 1.4 version software. Adding new mappers, optimization algorithms, architecture-specific support for Xilinx devices, and the integration of efficient timing constraints in the software all contributed to the performance improvements. 

"The cooperative relationship with our EDA partners has chiefly enabled this dramatic cut in HDL design time," said Rich Sevcik, Xilinx senior vice president of software. "FPGA designers will now be able to increase their productivity with more design iterations per day." 

With the new Unified Simulation (UNISIM) libraries in version 1.4, designers can simulate behavioral code anywhere in the design flow. These new libraries complement the existing VHDL and Verilog timing simulation (SIMPRIM) libraries, enhancing the Xilinx HDL-based flow. 

Xilinx has made proprietary technological advancements in FPGA, VHDL, and Verilog simulation in the new software. Xilinx developed a user methodology for designers to model the effects of the unique configurations of Xilinx FPGAs. The methodology makes designing particularly easy for traditional ASIC designers moving to programmable logic. 

Alliance Series users can also gain design performance improvements—up to 25 percent—without added run time by using of the Alliance Series Turns Engine tool. The Turns Engine tool provides users with numerous place-and-route runs per design across networked UNIX workstations running multiple place-and-route passes. This tool, previously sold as an option, is now included at no cost in the workstation version of the 1.4 release. 

The Alliance Series 1.4 software provides architecture-specific device support for all Xilinx product families, including XC4000E/X, XC4000XV, XC3x00A/L, XC5200, and Spartan FPGAs, plus XC9500 CPLDs. The Alliance Series software supports industry HDL standards including EDIF, VHDL (VITAL), Verilog, and SDF. The new software is available for popular PC and workstation platforms and operating systems such as Windows95, Windows NT, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Windows, SunOS, Solaris, and HP-UX. New Alliance Series software is available for free evaluation and pricing starting at $495 on PCs and $750 on workstations. 

Xilinx is the leading innovator of complete programmable logic solutions, including advanced integrated circuits, software design tools, predefined system functions delivered as cores, and unparalleled field engineering support. Founded in 1984 and headquartered in San Jose, Calif., Xilinx invented the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and commands more than half of the world market for these devices today. Xilinx solutions enable customers to reduce significantly the time required to develop products for the computer, peripheral, telecommunications, networking, industrial control, instrumentation, high-reliability/military, and consumer markets. For more information, visit the Xilinx web site at


Note to editors: Xilinx is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc. All XC-prefix product designations, Spartan, and Alliance are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Other brands or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 


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