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File Download: sw_speed_files

Contents of /pub/swhelp/speed_files

  Xilinx device speed files for XACT software (for Timing Simulation). ============================================================================= Filename Size File Description ============================================================================= 21KB Speeds file update for 3100A Parts- Includes -09 speed grade. 3KB 3000L Speed file update with improved Teck parameter 4025espd.tar.Z 8 Kb XACTstep 6.0.1/5.2.1 4025e Preliminary -2 speed files. Also contains -3 and -4 speed ratings. For All Unix Uploaded: 10-01-97 6 Kb XACTstep 6.0.1/5.2.1 4025e Preliminary -2 speed files. Also contains -3 and -4 speed ratings. For All Windows, DOS Uploaded: 10-01-97 4kespds.tar.Z 60 Kb XACTstep 4000E Preliminary -1 speed files (except the 4025e). Also contains -2, -3, and -4 speed grades. For All Platforms Uploaded: 04-30-97 51 Kb XACTstep 4000E Preliminary -1 speed files (except the 4025e). Also contains -2, -3, and -4 speed grades. For All Platforms Uploaded: 04-30-97 16 kB premilinary xc4000l -5 speeds files, partlist.xct For All Platforms Uploaded: 02-20-97 5kspds.tar.Z 38 Kb XC5200 speed files. Preliminary -3/-4, final - 5/-6. Includes all device combinations: XC5202, XC5204, XC5206, XC5210, XC5215. For All Platforms Uploaded: 08-28-97 34 Kb XC5200 speed files. Preliminary -3/-4, final - 5/-6. Includes all device combinations: XC5202, XC5204, XC5206, XC5210, XC5215. For All Platforms Uploaded: 08-28-97 5 Kb The Hardwire 1 family speed file tries to emulate the "fast" case Hardwire speed. For versions of Xact 4 to 5.2.x Solution #: 3114 For All Platforms Uploaded: 06-21-93

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