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VHDL: Implementing the XC3000/XC4000 readback function.

Record #226

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Synopsys

Problem Title:
VHDL: Implementing the XC3000/XC4000 readback function.

Problem Description:
How to implement the Readback function in VHDL ?

Solution 1:

The following is an example instantiation of the readback
function in VHDL. This example assumes that the readback
clock is cclk.

entity readbk is
 port(trig: in bit;
      data, rip: out bit);
end readbk;

architecture inst of readbk is

 component RDBK
  port(trig: in bit;
       data, rip: out bit);
 end component;


 U1: RDBK port map(trig, data, rip);

end inst;

End of Record #226

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