Answers Database
VIEWsynthesis: Infering an xc4000 `set' flip-flop or an inverted xc3000`reset' flip-flop
Record #246
Product Family: Software
Product Line: ViewLogic
Problem Title:
VIEWsynthesis: Infering an xc4000 `set' flip-flop or an inverted
xc3000`reset' flip-flop
Problem Description:
Solution 1:
XC4000 designs:
By default, the Viewlogic synthesis tools infer a reset flip-flop (FDCE).
For XC4000 designs, you can infer a set flip-flop (FDPE) using the
following code example:
-- Infering an xc4000 FDPE with its CE pin tied to VDD
entity try is
port (
din : in bit;
clk : in bit;
qout : out bit;
set : in bit
end try;
architecture one of try is
wait until prising(clk) or set = '1';
if (set='1') then
qout <= '1';
qout <= din;
end if;
end process;
end one;
-- end of xc4000 FDPE example
XC3000 designs:
Because the xc3000 family of devices do not have set type flip-flops
only reset type flip-flops can be infered.
To invert the polarity of an xc3000 flip-flop, use the following code
-- Inverting the polarity of an xc3000 reset flip-flop (FDCE) with its
-- CE pin tied to VDD
entity try is
port (
din : in bit;
clk : in bit;
qout : out bit;
set : in bit
end try;
architecture one of try is
signal qouttemp : bit;
signal dintemp : bit;
wait until prising(clk) or set = '1';
if (set='1') then
qouttemp <= '0';
qouttemp <= dintemp;
end if;
end process;
dintemp <= not din;
qout <= not qouttemp;
end one;
-- end of xc3000 FDCE example
End of Record #246
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