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Workstation licensing, XACT 5.0: Use XLMCON to debug them.

Record #403

Problem Title:
Workstation licensing, XACT 5.0: Use XLMCON to debug them.

Problem Description:

Solution 1:

In $XACT/bin/<platform>, where <platform> is one of: sparc, hppa, apollo,
there is a program called xlmcon. This program can be used to help in
the debugging of workstation licensing problems. After starting it, type
"help" to see the help text, which is also shown below:

  Commands for XLMCON:
which		  -- Show name of license file
hostname	  -- Show the hostname of this computer
hostid		  -- Show the hostid   of this computer
quick_check [-a]  -- Check out/in first [all] XXACTD feature(s) in license
verify [-y]	  -- Verify encryption of all XXACTD features in license
list [feature]	  -- List users of features in use [only of feature]
list -a 	  -- List all features, showing current users
show [feature]	  -- Show license file lines [only containing feature]
checkout feature  -- Check out the named feature
checkin  feature  -- Check in  the named feature
reread		  -- Tell DAEMON to reread FEATUREs from license file
startup  or start -- Start the license server (using xlmasu)
shutdown or stop  -- Stop  the license server
version 	  -- Show the versions of the licensing programs
sn		  -- Show the contents of the serial number file
help or ?	  -- Print this list of commands
exit or quit	  -- exit from the XLMCON program

End of Record #403

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