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XACT 5.x QuickSim: Board-level simulation for Xilinx FPGAs and CPLDs

Record #619

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Mentor

Problem Title:
XACT 5.x QuickSim: Board-level simulation for Xilinx FPGAs and CPLDs

Problem Description:
Keywords: simulation, QuickSim, board-level, Mentor

Urgency: Standard

Simulating board-level designs requires some knowledge of viewpoint
management in Mentor Graphics.	Two simulation viewpoints are created, one
for functional simulation and one for timing simulation.  Each Xilinx
component is then linked into the two simulation viewpoints.  The way in
which each Xilinx design is linked to each top-level viewpoint depends on
whether the Xilinx component is an all-schematic FPGA; an FPGA with XBLOX,
XABEL, or XNF components; or a CPLD.

This application brief discusses the creation and management of simulation
viewpoints, as well as the importation of Xilinx-level timing information
into board-level viewpoints.

Solution 1:


In this example, assume you have the the following board-level schematic:


The following viewpoints are generated:


Before starting this procedure, download the following archive from the
Xilinx Download Area:

This archive contains the scripts:

A README file is also included.

The two .do files are AMPLE scripts which add information to the
board-level simulation viewpoints for functional and timing simulation.
The REGSCHEM and GETREG scripts register the simulation models created by
Fncsim8 and Timsim8 to your original component so that they may referenced
by your functional and timing viewpoints.  The last utility, UNREGSCHEM,
lets you quickly unregister schematic models in case of misregistration.

Once these files are extracted, proceed with the following steps.

1. Invoke the stand-alone Design Viewpoint Editor from the command line:


2. To create a functional viewpoint, select OPEN VPT from the DVE Palette
   and in the dialog box enter:

      Component name:  $CARD_XYZ/boardeaux
      Viewpoint:       functional

3. Enter the viewpoint information required for the non-Xilinx components
   in the design, if any.  See the vendor who supplied you the non-Xilinx
   simulation models for more details.

4. Run within DVE the script you downloaded from the
   Xilinx FTP site, by typing in:


   (A command pop-up will apear as you start typing.)

   This script writes Xilinx-specific properties into the board-level
   viewpoint.  In addition, it includes the following setting:

      $add_parameter("lca_simtype", "functional", @string);

   The lca_simtype parameter allows Xilinx components to be changed easily
   from functional to timing models in Quicksim by simply changing which
   viewpoint is fed into the simulator.

   Save the design viewpoint by selecting the SAVE VPT button in the DVE

5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for a new viewpoint.  This time, when you do OPEN VPT,
   type in the following information:

      Component name:  $CARD_XYZ/boardeaux
      Viewpoint:       timing

   Now run the timing viewpoint script,


6. Exit DVE.

Note: If you already have functional and timing viewpoints set up for your
board-level simulations, use these instead when entering the information in
Step 2.

7. Follow the instructions in Resolutions 2 through 4 to import each Xilinx
   component into the board-level viewpoints for simulation.  Each of these
   resolutions describes a specific methodology for importation based on
   whether the component is an FPGA (with or without XBLOX) or a CPLD.

8. To run a particular simulation on the design, specify the VIEWPOINT name
   on the Quicksim command line, rather than just the component name.  For
   example, to run a functional simulation:

      quicksim boardeaux/functional -tim unit

   To run a timing simulation:

      quicksim boardeaux/timing -tim typ

As explained in the following resolutions, the correct Xilinx models (for
functional or timing simulation) are automatically pulled into Quicksim
based on the value of the lca_simtype parameter.

Note: There is currently no way to independently reset Xilinx components in
Quicksim.  All XC2000 and XC3000 devices must share a common //globalresetb
signal, all XC4000 devices must share a common //globalsetreset signal, all
XC5200 devices must share a common //globalreset signal, and all XC7000
devices most share a common //prld signal.

Solution 2:


Assume you have the following Xilinx component:

   $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/proc/processor: XC5200 design
      (instance name: SEQUENCER)

1. Attach these properties to the FPGA instance in the boardeaux schematic:

      NAME	       VALUE	 TYPE
      lca_technology   xc5200	 string
      MODEL	       default	 string

   (These may also be made body properties on the symbols themselves.)


There is nothing else to do; all models have now been set up.  Quicksim
only needs to read in the original schematic design to simulate the system

You are now ready to run Quicksim for functional as in Resolution 1.


Step 2 (and only Step 2) will need to be rerun on the FPGA design whenever
this part of the design is modified.

2. After the design has been placed and routed by the FPGA tools, run
   Timsim8 with the -o (use original) option, e.g.:

      timsim8 processor -o

   This generates a .mba (Mentor back-annotation) file, which will be
   imported into the board-level simulation viewpoint in the next step.

3. Invoke DVE as before, then open the TIMING board-level viewpoint
   (Component: $CARD_XYZ/boardeaux, Viewpoint: timing).

4. Select File -> Back Annotation -> Import... and enter the following
   information in the dialog box:

      Ascii BA File:  $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/proc/
      BA Name:	      $CARD_XYZ/boardeaux/timing/sequencer
      Import Context: /SEQUENCER (the instance name of the symbol)

5. Save the viewpoint and close DVE.

You are now ready to run Quicksim for timing as in Resolution 1.

Solution 3:


Assume you have the following Xilinx component:

   $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/dsp/dsp_filter: XC4000E XBLOX design
      (instance name: FILTER)

To prevent "collision" of the simdir directories that Fncsim8 creates, each
XBLOX FPGA design must be placed in its own directory.	This is why there
is a directory underneath $CARD_XYZ/xilinx where the component is located.
(If you had another XBLOX design, for example, you may have put it in
$CARD_XYZ/xilinx/tube/tube_screen.)  Also, Xilinx recommends that all input
and output pads reside on the top level of an FPGA design; no INPUTS,
OUTPUTS, or BIDIR_IO symbols should be used.

1. Attach these properties to the FPGA instance in the boardeaux schematic:

      NAME	       VALUE	     TYPE
      lca_technology   xc4000e	     string
      MODEL	       lca_simtype   expression

   (These may also be made body properties on the symbols themselves.)

   Note the MODEL property, which is used to swap between functional and
   timing models.  Setting this property to be of type EXPRESSION (instead
   of STRING) allows this property to be changed dynamically, as seen by
   Quicksim, by simply telling the simulator which viewpoint to use.


Step 2 (and only Step 2) will need to be rerun on the FPGA design whenever
this part of the design is modified.

2. Run Men2XNF8 and Fncsim8 -o on the dsp_filter design as normal.

      men2xnf8 -p 4013ehq240-4 dsp_filter
      fncsim dsp_filter -o

   This creates the functional model $CARD_XYZ/dsp/simdir/dsp_filter.

3. Use the Component Interface Browser to add this new model to the model
   registry of the FPGA component.  You can do this with the REGSCHEM
   script supplied in the boardmen.tar.Z archive:

      regschem -f dsp_filter simdir/dsp_filter/schematic

   (You may leave off the "/schematic" if you wish.)

   After you run REGSCHEM, you can look at the cib_view.log file and see a
   listing structured like the following:

      ** view
	 COMPONENT  dsp_filter	   DEFAULT INTERFACE IS:  dsp_filter

	    INTERFACE:	dsp_filter
		  (list of pins)
	       BODY PROPERTIES:  (list)
	       Model Entry     Type	Model Info

   Note that there may be more than one INTERFACE line; the interface you
   care about is the one named in the DEFAULT INTERFACE field.

   At the bottom of the interface description, you will see the following:

      0 mgc_symbol     Path: $CARD_XYZ/dsp/dsp_filter/dsp_filter
		       Labels: 'default_sym'
		       Status: Valid for interface; Valid for property

      1 mgc_schematic  Path: $CARD_XYZ/dsp/dsp_filter/schematic
		       Labels: '$schematic' 'schematic' 'default'
		       Status: NOT valid for interface; NOT valid for property

      2 mgc_schematic  Path: $CARD_XYZ/dsp/simdir/dsp_filter/schematic
		       Labels: '$schematic' 'schematic' 'functional'
		       Status: NOT valid for interface; NOT valid for property

   Model entry 2 has been added by the the REGSCHEM command with a label of

   The model you have registered will be accessible by any instantiation of
   this instance which has a MODEL=functional property attached to it.
   When you tell Quicksim to run on the functional viewpoint, the parameter
   lca_simtype=functional changes the MODEL=lca_simtype(exp) to become
   MODEL=functional as seen by Quicksim.  Quicksim then pulls in the newly
   registered model whose label is "functional", which is how you labeled
   the model that Fncsim8 generated.

You are now ready to run Quicksim for functional as in Resolution 1.


Step 4 (and only Step 4) will need to be rerun on the FPGA design whenever
this part of the design is modified.

4. After the design has been placed and routed by the FPGA tools, run
   Timsim8 with the -g (auto-generate) option, e.g.:

      timsim8 dsp_filter -g

   This generates a $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/dsp/dsp_filter_tim netlist with timing

5. Register this model with the original component in CIB as before, but
   instead of using the -f option in REGSCHEM, use the -t option:

      regschem -t dsp_filter dsp_filter_tim/schematic

   The cib_view.log file will now show:

      3 mgc_schematic  Path: $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/dsp/dsp_filter_tim/schematic
		       Labels: '$schematic' 'schematic' 'timing'
		       Status: NOT valid for interface; NOT valid for property

   The model you have registered will be accessible by any instantiation of
   this instance which has a MODEL=timing property attached to it.  When
   you tell Quicksim to run on the timing viewpoint, the parameter
   lca_simtype=timing changes the MODEL=lca_simtype(exp) to become
   MODEL=timing as seen by Quicksim.  Quicksim then pulls in the newly
   registered model whose label is "timing", which is how you labeled the
   model that Timsim8 generated.

You are now ready to run Quicksim for timing as in Resolution 1.

Solution 4:


Assume you have the following Xilinx component:

   $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/ifc/if_control: XC7300 design
      (instance name: CONTROLLER)

1. Attach these properties to the FPGA instance in the boardeaux schematic:

      NAME	       VALUE	     TYPE
      lca_technology   xc7000	     string
      MODEL	       lca_simtype   expression

   (These may also be made body properties on the symbols themselves.)

   Note the MODEL property, which is used to swap between functional and
   timing models.  Setting this property to be of type EXPRESSION (instead
   of STRING) allows this property to be changed dynamically, as seen by
   Quicksim, by simply telling the simulator which viewpoint to use.


Although Fncsim8 does not need to be run to generate a functional model,
CPLDs still use a different model for timing simulation.  Therefore, as in
Resolution 3, the original schematic must be labeled "functional" so that
it may be swapped for the delay model during timing simulation in Quicksim.

2. Use the Component Interface Browser to add a "functional" label to the
   original schematic model.  You can do this using the REGSCHEM script:

      regschem -f if_control if_control/schematic

   (You may leave off the "/schematic" if you wish.)

   After you run REGSCHEM, you can look at the cib_view.log file and see a
   listing structured like the following:

      ** view
	 COMPONENT  if_control	   DEFAULT INTERFACE IS:  if_control

	    INTERFACE:	if_control
		  (list of pins)
	       BODY PROPERTIES:  (list)
	       Model Entry     Type	Model Info

   Note that there may be more than one INTERFACE line, the interface we
   care about is the one named in the DEFAULT INTERFACE field.

   At the bottom of the interface description, you will see the following:

      0 mgc_symbol     Path: $CARD_XYZ/ifc/if_control/if_control
		       Labels: 'default_sym'
		       Status: Valid for interface; Valid for property

      1 mgc_schematic  Path: $CARD_XYZ/ifc/if_control/schematic
		       Labels: '$schematic' 'schematic' 'default' 'functional'
		       Status: NOT valid for interface; NOT valid for property

   REGSCHEM has added a "functional" label to the original schematic model.

   The model we have labeled will be accessible by any instantiation of
   this instance which has a MODEL=functional property attached to it.
   When you tell Quicksim to run on the functional viewpoint, the parameter
   lca_simtype=functional changes the MODEL=lca_simtype(exp) to become
   MODEL=functional as seen by Quicksim.  Quicksim then pulls in the
   original schematic, which now has a label of "functional".

You are now ready to run Quicksim for timing as in Resolution 1.


Step 3 (and only Step 3) will need to be rerun on the FPGA design whenever
this part of the design is modified.

3. After the design has been implemented by the CPLD tools, run Timsim8
   with the -g (auto-generate) option.

      timsim8 if_control -g

   This generates a $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/ifc/if_control_tim netlist with timing

4. Register this model with the original component in CIB as before, but
   instead of using the -f option in REGSCHEM, use the -t option:

      regschem -t if_control if_control_tim/schematic

   The cib_view.log file will now show:

      2 mgc_schematic  Path: $CARD_XYZ/xilinx/ifc/if_control_tim/schematic
		       Labels: '$schematic' 'schematic' 'timing'
		       Status: NOT valid for interface; NOT valid for property

   The model you have registered will be accessible by any instantiation of
   this instance which has a MODEL=timing property attached to it.  When
   you tell Quicksim to run on the timing viewpoint, the parameter
   lca_simtype=timing changes the MODEL=lca_simtype(exp) to become
   MODEL=timing as seen by Quicksim.  Quicksim then pulls in the newly
   registered model whose label is "timing", which is how you labeled the
   model that Timsim8 generated.

You are now ready to run Quicksim for timing as in Resolution 1.

End of Record #619

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