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XNF2CDS/XNF2Verilog: Symbol does not have corresponding entry in the PINfile

Record #649

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Cadence

Problem Title:
XNF2CDS/XNF2Verilog: Symbol does not have corresponding entry in the

Problem Description:
Keywords: xnf2cds, cadence, xnf2verilog, pin file, timenet,
timenetx, funcnet, funcnetx, xcdsprep, x2vprep

Urgency: standard

General Description:

XNF2CDS or XNF2Verilog may issue the following error:

	ERROR : The following symbol(s) were found in the design, but do
	not have corresponding entries in the PIN file :

If the problem is with the DFF, you will see something like this:

	     Symbol QOUT_REG<9> (type DFF)
	     Symbol QOUT_REG<8> (type DFF)
	     Symbol QOUT_REG<7> (type DFF)
	     Symbol QOUT_REG<6> (type DFF)

Relevant PROGRAMS:  xcdsprep/x2vprep, xnf2cds/xnf2verilog, timenet/timenetx, fun

This problem will be seen in ALL versions up to release 9504


The error has a number of different causes.
What it is saying is that XNF2CDS/XNF2Verilog is trying to
match up a particular symbol (say, an AND7) in the input XNF
file with an entry in the Verilog simulation library for that
architecture (3000, 4000E, etc.).

The complete list of library components for a given
architecture and the pins associated with each component is
specified in a family-specific .pin file (,, etc.), located in

      $XACT/data for XNF2VERILOG, and

      $CDS_INST_DIR/share/library/xilinx/data for XNF2CDS.

Often you get the "no corresponding entry in the PIN file"
error when the symbol is not a valid simulation primitive.

Solution 1:

Very often this error is issued when XNF2CDS/XNF2Verilog
cannot resolve certain primitives found in a *post-synthesis*,
*unrouted* Synopsys XNF file.  The same error can appear in
designs done with other third party synthesis tools like
Exemplar.  It may also be the result of improperly
processing the netlist (skipping xcdsprep or x2vprep).

Note that both XNF2CDS and XNF2Verilog key off the SCHNM
property in a SYM record of an XNF file.  A SYM record looks
something like this:

SYM, ss_reg<4>, DFF, SCHNM=FDC, LIBVER=2.0.0
PIN, Q, O, output_net_name
PIN, D, I, d_input_net_name
PIN, C, I, clk_input_net_name
PIN, CLR, I, clr_signal_name

This particular example is taken out of a .xff generated by
SYN2XNF, the Synopsys to Xilinx translator.

Upon encountering such a SYM record with a SCHNM of "FDC",
both XNF2CDS and XNF2Verilog will look for a library
component named "FDC" in the Verilog simulation library.
However, since FDC is not a valid Unified library simulation
primitive (it should be FDCE), XNF2CDS/XNF2Verilog will flag
an error about not finding an entry in a the Verilog pin

In many cases of this error, an XNF file generated by
Synopsys contains modules like DFF, BUFG_F, AND7, etc., for
example, that are not standard Xilinx Unified library
simulation primitives.	These modules may be present
in a pre-route XNF generated by Synopsys or other HDL
synthesis tool.  They are also restored to the XNF file when
you run XNFBA as part of the timing simulation flow on a
Synopsys design (i.e., running timenet or timenetx without
the -x	option).


Most of the problems related to this error have been
fixed in v5.2.1 of the ES-Verilog interface.

If you are using v5.1.1 of the ES-Verilog interface:

1. Functional simulation:
Pre-route, post-synthesis functional simulation of Synopsys
designs is currently not supported by the Verilog interface.
As a workaround, you can simulate the design after allowing
PPR to flatten it,  skipping the routing stage.  In this
case, there will be no routing delay information.  To get a
unit delay simulation, you then run Verilog-XL with a
+delay_mode_unit option:

ppr design route=false placer_effort=1
timenetx design xc4000 -x

verilog  +delay_mode_unit  designt.v  designt.stim

2. Timing simulation

Specify the -x option when running timenet (or timenetx in
the ES-Verilog interface) to skip XNFBA.  Version 5.2.1a of
timenetx automatically determines that a design has been
generated using Synopsys by looking for a Synopsys PROG
record in the .xff file for the design, if it resides in the
working directory.

Solution 2:

Another common cause of this error is trying to process the
XNF file directly using xnf2cds/xnf2verilog without first

Preprocessing by xcdsprep/x2vprep is a required step.

The easiest thing to do to achieve this is to process the
design using one of the following scripts, which are included
in the interface:

			       DS381		ES-Verilog
			      ------		--------
functional simulation:	      funcnet		funcnetx
timing simulation:	      timenet		timenetx

End of Record #649

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