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6.0: List of files that XACTstep 6.0 install places in c:\windows and c:\windows\system

Record #705

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Core

Problem Title:
6.0: List of files that XACTstep 6.0 install places in c:\windows and

Problem Description:
This list contains all the files that are installed under the \windows
directory when the PROseries tools, XACT core tools, and tutorials are

PROSER or PROSYN program files in \windows :
_default.pif		bprogen.pif		bvhdl.pif
bvhdlw.pif		pinsave.pif		sysblock.pif
syscmd.pif		timerpt.pif		xalttmp.pif

PROSER or PROSYN program files in \windows\system :
cstext.vbx		gauge.vbx		mh3b200.vbx
mhgchk.vbx		mhgcmb.vbx		mhgdir.vbx
mhgdrl.vbx		mhgfil.vbx		mhgfrm.vbx
mhglbl.vbx		mhgmul.vbx		mhgopt.vbx
mhin200.vbx		mhinint.vbx		mhmq200.vbx
mhrun400.vbx		mhsl200.vbx		olecli.dll
sbc.vbx			threed.vbx		toolhelp.dll
vbrun300.dll		vshare.386

XACT program files in \windows\system :
cmdialog.vbx		ctl3d.dll		ctl3d32.dll
daikon.386		threed.vbx		vbrun300.dll

Tutorial files in \windows\asym\runtime
mtb30anm.sbk		mtb30bas.dll		mtb30bmp.dll
mtb30cmp.dll		mtb30flt.dll		mtb30lnl.dll
mtb30mm.dll		mtb30mm.ini		mtb30net.exe
mtb30run.exe		mtb30utl.dll		pcdxbmp.dll
photo.dll		tbload.exe		pcdlib.dll

Please note:  Some of these files are also installed by or used by other
programs.  If you remove these files, you should immediately re-install
XACT 6.0 and/or the PROseries tools so other programs do not suffer from
the deletions.

Solution 1:

End of Record #705

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