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How can hold time violations occur when the data book states 0 ns hold times?

Record #782

Problem Title:
How can hold time violations occur when the data book states 0 ns hold

Problem Description:

Solution 1:

How can hold time violations occur when the data book states 0 ns hold times?

Most simulators must simulate Xilinx CLB set-up times as hold times.  The
reason for this is in the point of view.  The data book uses the CLB input
pins as points of reference while simulators must use the actual input pins on
the CLB flip-flop.  An XC4005-6 CLB will be used in the following example
showing how the set-up and hold time requirements of a path through a function
generator input are modified depending on your point of view.

Graphically, the reference points used to calculate the data book set-up
and hold time requirements are (A) and (B):

		       |			     |
		       |	       +-----------Y-|-
		       |	       |	     |
		       |      ___      |    ____     |
		   (A)-|-G4--|	 |     |   |	|    |
		   (A)-|-G3--| G |-----+---|D  Q|-YQ-|-
		   (A)-|-G2--|	 |	   |	|    |
		   (A)-|-G1--|___|	 +-|>	|    |
		       |		 | |____|    |
		       |		 |	     |
		       |      ___	 |  ____     |
		   (A)-|-F4--|	 |	 | |	|    |
		   (A)-|-F3--| F |-----+-)-|D  Q|-XQ-|-
		   (A)-|-F2--|	 |     | | |	|    |
		   (A)-|-F1--|___|     | +-|>	|    |
		       |	       | | |____|    |
		   (B)-|-K-------------)-+	     |
		       |	       |	     |
		       |	       +-----------X-|-
		       |			     |

The first point (A) is any CLB function generator input pin.  The second
point (B) is the CLB clock pin.  The data book states the following numbers
for an XC4005-6 device:

     Set-up time before clock at F/G inputs:  6.0 ns
     Hold time after clock at F/G inputs:     0.0 ns

If you were to draw the waveform of a signal tied to G4 that just meets
the above set-up and hold time requirements, you would get:

  point     |	   |
   (A)	    |	   |
	+---+	   +-------------------------------------------+


		   +----------+ 	 +----------+
  point 	   |	      | 	 |	    |
   (B)		   |	      | 	 |	    |
	+----------+	      +----------+	    +----------+

Where the time Ts must be 6.0 ns.  Now lets look at the reference points used
by simulators:

		       |			     |
		       |	       +-----------Y-|-
		       |	       |	     |
		       |      ___      |    ____     |
		      -|-G4--|	 |     |   |	|    |
		      -|-G3--| G |-(C)-+---|D  Q|-YQ-|-
		      -|-G2--|	 |	   |	|    |
		      -|-G1--|___|	 +-|>	|    |
		       |		 | |____|    |
		       |		 |	     |
		       |      ___	 |  ____     |
		      -|-F4--|	 |	 | |	|    |
		      -|-F3--| F |-(C)-+-)-|D  Q|-XQ-|-
		      -|-F2--|	 |     | | |	|    |
		      -|-F1--|___|     | +-|>	|    |
		       |	       | | |____|    |
		   (B)-|-K-------------)-+	     |
		       |	       |	     |
		       |	       +-----------X-|-
		       |			     |

Because point (C) is after the function generator, we must delay the
above waveform seen at point (A) by the delay through the function generator.
This delay is roughly equivalent to, and in most cases exactly the same as,
the F/G input to X/Y output delay.  The data book states the following number
for an XC4005-6 device:

     F/G inputs to X/Y outputs: 	      6.0 ns

If we now draw the waveform that is expected at point (C) we get:

  point 	   |	  |
   (C)		   |	  |
	+----------+	  +------------------------------------+


		   +----------+ 	 +----------+
  point 	   |	      | 	 |	    |
   (B)		   |	      | 	 |	    |
	+----------+	      +----------+	    +----------+

Notice that set-up time Ts shown at point (A) is now a hold time Th.  Finally,
because the clock pin might also have a delay associated with it, the clock
reference may also be delayed.	This will shift the clock waveform and thereby
modify Ts and Th once again.

The above example shows the shift using the function generator inputs however
you can apply the same concept to the other inputs pins on the CLB.

End of Record #782

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