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FLOORPLANNER: Unable to load file <design>.lca / FPLAN : ERROR 1576 : Error in LCA file

Record #977

Problem Title:
FLOORPLANNER: Unable to load file <design>.lca / FPLAN : ERROR 1576 :
Error in LCA file

Problem Description:
The design is mapped, placed and routed without any appearent problems.  The <de
sign>.lca file appears to be correct (ie. passes DRC, able to make bitstream, ab
le to load design in editLCA).	When entering the floorplanner the <design>.map
file is read in without any problems, but when attempting to Read Placed Design
floorplanner reports :

Unable to load file <design>.lca

Upon further investigation into the fplan.log file, the following error is repor
ted :

  *** FPLAN: ERROR 1576:
	Error in LCA file:  Block in Intnet statement is not previously defined,

	or the statement does not contain one of the following: {F, G, H, PAD,
	M, QY, QX}
	on line <line number> of file "<design>.lca"
	"<Line in .lca file>"
	This is an internal error; please contact Xilinx support personnel.

A possible cause of this error is a pad or net with one of the following names :
 TCK, TDI, TMS, MD0, MD1, MD2, or TDO.	Also can be caused if a bus is labeled M

These are special purpose input/output pad names and may cause problems with flo
orplanner if a net in the design has one or more of these names.

Solution 1:

Change the name of any nets in the design with the following names : TCK, TDI, T
MS, MD0, MD1, MD2, TDO or buses labeled MD[x:0].  Please follow standard naming
conventions outlined in the XACT manuals when changing net names.

End of Record #977

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