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Timsim8: "return code 1" from segmentation fault under Solaris

Record #1074

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Mentor

Problem Title:
Timsim8: "return code 1" from segmentation fault under Solaris

Problem Description:
Under Solaris 2.4 and above, Timsim8 may fail with the following:

   lca2xnf -wg b328i b328i_timaka
   mv -f b328i_timaka.xnf b328i_tim.xnf
   xnfba b328i.xff b328i_tim.xnf -m
   nawk -f /xact/com/sparc/mbapp.nawk -v > b328i_tim.mbb
   mv -f b328i_tim.mbb
   pld_dve_ba b328i
>> Segmentation Fault
   Errors found while running pld_dve_ba.
   Check timsim8.log and files.
   Timsim8 ended with return code 1

(Note: The timsim8.log file gives no indication of a segmentation fault.)

The segmentation fault is caused by improper library calls in Mentor's main
design-management shell.  This program is used by Mentor's file-management
commands to determine file types, hard path names, etc.  PLD_DVE_BA, and
thus Timsim8, uses a Mentor file-management command called delete_object,
which in turn calls ddms_sh, the central design-management shell.

The improper library calls exist because ddms_sh was written for Solaris
2.3, and not Solaris 2.4 or 2.5.

Solution 1:

The ddms_sh program may be updated to run under Solaris 2.4 and 2.5 with
Patch 251, available on Mentor Graphics' FTP site at
(  The patch comes in three parts, a read-me file,
installation instructions, and the actual DDMS program: Link Link Link

End of Record #1074

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