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XC9500, EZTAG: How to turn off Data Protection (DP)

Record #1140

Product Family:  Hardware

Product Line:  Other

Problem Title:
XC9500, EZTAG:  How to turn off Data Protection (DP)

Problem Description:
If a 9500 part has been programmed with the Data Protection switch
turned on, the contents of the device can only be read.  The part
cannot be altered or erased.

Is there any way to deactivate Data Protection once it has been

Solution 1:

Once the Data Protection has been set, the protection may be
deactivated by using the following procedure:

Note that these instructions apply when there is only one part
in the JTAG chain.

In a DOS window, go to the directory where the software is


  eztag.exe -port auto

You should see some header information and then a prompt that
looks like this:


At the prompt, type:

  part xc<parttype>:a

Where <parttype> is the device type (95108, 9536, etc).

The prompt should return immediately.

  erase -f a

You should see the warning messages about data protection again.

After about 10 seconds, you should see the prompt again.


  parti -id a

You should get a message identifying the connected part as a
XC<parttype> and there should be no warning messages.

Solution 2:

In order to do it within the GUI, you need to have latest version of the softwar
e, V 6.0.4 or above.  You can get it from
There are two updates, one for fitter, and one for eztag.

After install the updates, open up EZTAG software with any program that is targe
t to your device.
Change operation to ERASE
There should be a DP check box besides it(if you don't see it, you don't have th
e EZTAG V6.0.4 or above).
Check the check box.
Hit EXECUTE and it will give you a warning override the protection bit.

End of Record #1140

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