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XC4000E: MEMGEN always uses the part 4005EPG156 for Synchronous Rams.

Record #1269

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Core

Problem Title:
XC4000E: MEMGEN always uses the part 4005EPG156 for Synchronous Rams.

Problem Description:
Keywords: MEMGEN, XC4000E, synchronous RAM

Urgency: Standard


MEMGEN will always use the part 4005EPG156 for Sync_Rams,
even if you specify a part on the command line with the
"parttype=4008EPC84" option, or if you specify the
part in the memory definition file (.mem).

Solution 1:

There shouldn't be a problem with this, because you will always
be instantiating this component (XNF file) in another higher
level module.  This higher level module will also need a part
type specified, and it will over-ride all lower level modules

If you are still concerned you could hand edit the XNF file to
correct the PART record, but this shouldn't be necessary, and
is not recommended.

End of Record #1269

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