Answers Database
Check, Procapture: Schematic components cannot be found.
Record #1273
Product Family: Software
Product Line: ViewLogic
Problem Title:
Check, Procapture: Schematic components cannot be found.
Problem Description:
When loading a schematic, or when running the program Check, the following
types of errors occur:
Sym_error - Symbol xc3000:IBUF not found or empty
This may happen for any family or any component.
This can be caused by the library being specified incorrectly in the
viewdraw.ini. Either the path to the libraries is incorrect, or they are
not declared as 'Megafile' as they should be.
Solution 1:
Be sure that the libraries in the Viewdraw.ini appear as follows. The [rm]
denotes a read-only megafile, as the Unified libraries are on the PC.
DIR [p] . (primary)
DIR [rm] <viewlogic_interface_path>\unified\xc3000 (xc3000) **or any family
DIR [rm] <viewlogic_interface_path>\unified\xblox (xblox)
DIR [rm] <viewlogic_interface_path>\unified\builtin (builtin)
DIR [rm] <viewlogic_interface_path>\unified\xbuiltin (xbuiltin)
End of Record #1273
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