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BIDIRectional IOs with Viewsynthesis

Record #1295

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  ViewLogic

Problem Title:
BIDIRectional IOs with Viewsynthesis

Problem Description:
Behavioral description of BIDIRectional IOs with viewsynthesis v7.2.

This does not work with the previous version of the software (v5.0.2x or
6.0.0 on the PC) due to a bug. The netlist in this case has to be manually

Solution 1:

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library synth;
use synth.vhdlsynth.all;

entity bidir is
PORT  (signal a :inout std_logic;
       signal clk, enable :in std_logic;
       signal reset:in std_logic);
end bidir;

ARCHITECTURE behv of bidir is
signal tpout : std_logic;

P1: process (clk, reset)
	 if (reset='1') then
	  tpout <= '0';
	   elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
		tpout<= a;
	       end if;
end process;
a <= tpout when enable ='0' else 'Z';
end behv;

End of Record #1295

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