Answers Database
Foundation XVHDL: Using pullups and pulldowns
Record #1366
Product Family: Software
Product Line: Metamor
Problem Title:
Foundation XVHDL: Using pullups and pulldowns
Problem Description:
Keywords: foundation, vhdl, pullup, pulldown, resistor
Urgency: Standard
General Description:
Xilinx FPGAs contain internal pullup resistors in the I/O
blocks (some also contain pulldowns). These components can
be instantiated in your Foundation XVHDL code.
**Note that this solution applies to the Metamor XVHDL compiler
only. If using the Express HDL compiler, you may control the
insertion of pullups via the Express Constraints GUI.
Solution 1:
The following example works only for pullups or pulldowns on
OUTPUT pins. To use pullups/pulldowns on input pins, you must
either place them on a schematic along with the VHDL module,
or you may enable the pullup in the EPIC design editor.
--Example of using Pullup
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity IOB is
port (IN1, CLOCK: in std_logic;
OUT_PAD: out std_logic);
attribute INHIBIT_BUF: boolean;
attribute INHIBIT_BUF of OUT_PAD: signal is true;
-- The INHIBIT_BUF attribute prevents the VHDL compiler from
-- inferring an OBUF on the OUT_PAD port. This is necessary
-- because we are going to instantiate an OBUF onto the port.
end IOB;
architecture PULLUP_EXAMPLE of IOB is
component PULLUP
port ( O: out std_logic);
end component;
component OBUF
port (I: in std_logic;
O: out std_logic);
end component;
signal OUT_INTERNAL: std_logic;
-- This node is the input of the OBUF.
process (CLOCK)
if CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1' then
end if;
end process;
U1: PULLUP port map (O => OUT_PAD);
-- Insert the pullup on the output of the OBUF.
U2: OBUF port map (I => OUT_INTERNAL,
O => OUT_PAD);
End of Record #1366
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