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Foundation XVHDL: Using Global Buffers

Record #1375

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Metamor

Problem Title:
Foundation XVHDL:  Using Global Buffers

Problem Description:
Keywords:  Metamor, BUFG, Global, Clock

Versions:  F6.x, F1.3/F1.4

Urgency:  Standard

General Description:

Xilinx FPGAs feature global buffers which provide low skew
and high drive for clocks and other control signals with high
fan-out.  Consult the Xilinx Libraries Guide for more
information on the various types of global buffers available
with the various FPGA families.

There are 3 ways to use global buffers with Foundation XVHDL:
1.  Automatic Insertion
2.  Xilinx_BUFG Attribute
3.  Instantiation

See also (Xilinx Solution 1473) for information on
controlling the number of inferred global buffers.

**Note that this solution applies to the Metamor XVHDL compiler
only.  If using the Express HDL compiler, you may control the
insertion of Global Buffers using the Express Constraints GUI.

Solution 1:

Automatic Insertion
XVHDL automatically attaches a BUFG to any input port signal
which directly drives a clock pin.  Depending on which Xilinx
device family is selected in the Foundation Project Manager,
a limit is set as to the maximum number of BUFGs which can be
automatically inserted into the synthesized XNF file, based
on the architectural capabilities of the device.

When XVHDL inserts a BUFG on a clock net as described above,
the BUFG takes the place of an IBUF.  Therefore, a dedicated
global buffer input pad on the device is used.

Solution 2:

Xilinx_BUFG Attribute
It is also possible for XVHDL to insert a BUFG on any
specified input port signal, regardless of whether it is a
clock signal or not.  Use the 'Xilinx_BUFG' attribute as
shown below to access this feature.  Again, this BUFG
replaces the IBUF, and thus uses a dedicated global buffer
pad.  This attribute will not attach a BUFG to an internal
signal.  Only apply this attribute to top-level port signals.

	attribute Xilinx_BUFG:	boolean;
	attribute Xilinx_BUFG of <port_name>: signal is true;

--Example of using the Xilinx_BUFG attribute

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity USE_BUFG is
   port (CLK, IN1, CE: in std_logic;
	 OUT1: out std_logic);

   attribute xilinx_bufg: boolean;  --declare the attribute
   attribute xilinx_bufg of CE: signal is true;
      --CE will use a BUFG

architecture TEST of USE_BUFG is
   process (CLK)
      if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then
	 if CE='1' then
	    OUT1 <= IN1;
	 end if;
      end if;
   end process;
end TEST;

Solution 3:

Global buffers may also be instantiated.  Use this method to
drive a global buffer with an internally generated signal, or
to control the specific type of global buffer used.  If, for
instance, in an XC4000 design, you wish to specify the use of
a BUFGP rather than the generic BUFG, you may instantiate the
BUFGP, as shown in the example below.

If you wish to use the dedicated input pad for the
instantiated global buffer, you must use the 'inhibit_buf'
attribute on the input signal port to prevent XVHDL from
inserting an IBUF at the input.  This IBUF would prevent the
global buffer from using the dedicated input pad.  If you
wish to use an input pad other than the dedicated global
buffer input pad, do not use the 'inhibit_buf' attribute.
XVHDL will treat the signal like an ordinary input and insert
an IBUF between the pad and the global buffer.

--Example of instantiating a global buffer

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity USE_BUFG is
   port (CLK, IN1: in std_logic;
	 OUT1: out std_logic);

   attribute inhibit_buf:  boolean;  --declare the attribute
   attribute inhibit_buf of CLK: signal is true;
      --This attribute prevents XVHDL from inferring an IBUF
      --on the CLK port, which allows the Xilinx software to
      --use the dedicated clock input pin.

architecture TEST of USE_BUFG is
   signal BUFGP_OUT: std_logic;
   component BUFGP
      port (I: in std_logic;
	    O: out std_logic);
   end component;

   U1: BUFGP port map (I => CLK, O => BUFGP_OUT);

   process (BUFGP_OUT)
      if (BUFGP_OUT'event and BUFGP_OUT='1') then
	 OUT1 <= IN1;
      end if;
   end process;

end TEST;

End of Record #1375

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