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Using Quicksim to simulation Synopsys synthesized design.

Record #1413

Problem Title:
Using Quicksim to simulation Synopsys synthesized design.

Problem Description:
Can you do functional and timing simulation using Mentor Quicksim on Synopsys sy
nthesized design if you don't have VSS?  What do you need to do?

Solution 1:

Yes, you can use quicksim in place of VSS, but customer will need DS344(Mentor I
nterface and Libraries). SXNF file generate by Synopsys have special components
instantiated such as OBUF_Fand SCHNM=OBUF_F, which is not in standard library.

Even though after running SYN2XNF on the design component such as OBUF_F gets re
placed by OBUF but SCHNM still stay as OBUF_F for back annotation.  Therefore wh
en customer place and route and design and try to push it through TIMSIM8(Provid
ed by DS344) he will get an error saying OBUF_F is not recognize.

Therefore, in order to do a function or timing simulation on a Synopsys synthesi
zed design, one needs to do the following.

1. create <design>.BMF file, it doesn't matter what is in there, the only thing
matters is the file exist so fncsim8 will run x-blox on the design to get rid of
 SCHNAM and timsim8 will recognize it should use .XG as pre-routed netlist as op
pose to .XFF.  Check solution 1441 for further detail explaination.

2. run 'fncsim8 <design>.XNF -g -q'
'-q' is optional and it will automaticly invoke quicksim.

3. run 'quicksim <design>_fnc' if didn't run '-q' on step 2.


4. run 'timsim8 <design> -g -q'
'-q' is optional, it will invoke quicksim.

5. run 'quicksim -tim typ -consm messages <design>_tim' if didn't use '-q' on st
ep 4.

End of Record #1413

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