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Foundation XVHDL: Using XBLOX

Record #1484

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Metamor

Problem Title:
Foundation XVHDL:  Using XBLOX

Problem Description:
Keywords:  XBLOX, Metamor, XVHDL

Versions:  Foundation 6.x

Urgency:  Standard

General Description:

There are 2 ways in which XBLOX can be used in a design
through Foundation VHDL:

1.  Inference by XVHDL.
2.  Instantiation by the user.

Solution 1:

Instantiation of XBLOX
XBLOX may be instantiated in the VHDL code.  Since the
XBLOX library is a library of "parameterizable" macrocells,
the same component may be declared once with ports of
variable width, and then instantiated multiple times with
various portwidths and parameters, if necessary.  As well as
declaring ports, generics may also be declared and mapped to
the instantiated component to attach parameters to the

XVHDL comes with an XBLOX library with component declarations
for all XBLOX components.  (Some GENERIC properties may be
missing.  If you need to use a GENERIC, such as STYLE, you
can edit the XBLOX.VHD library to add the GENERIC).

-- Example of instantiating an ADD_SUB component from the
-- XBLOX library.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library xblox;
use xblox.macros.all;

entity ADDER is
   port (A_IN, B_IN: in std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
	 CARRYIN, A_S: in std_logic;
	 COUT: out std_logic;
	 SUM: out std_logic_vector (5 downto 0));
end ADDER;

architecture XBLOX of ADDER is

   U1: ADD_SUB
       generic map (STYLE => "ripple") --defines style as RIPPLE

       port map (A => A_IN, B => B_IN, C_IN => CARRYIN,
		 ADD_SUB => A_S, C_OUT => COUT, FUNC => SUM);

end XBLOX;

Solution 2:

Inference by XVHDL
XVHDL can automatically infer the following XBLOX components:

The XBLOX synthesis compile option must be selected, and the
operands must be VHDL signals or variables for XBLOX
inference to occur.  The following example shows code which
will infer an XBLOX COUNTER component.	This simple counter
design can be found in the ACTIVE\VHDL\SAMPLES\PREP7

--Example of inference of Xblox COUNTER

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity PREP7 is
    port(CLK, RST, LD, CE: boolean;
	 D: integer range 0 to 65535;
	 Q: buffer integer range 0 to 65535);
end PREP7;

architecture BEHAVIOR of PREP7 is
    process (RST, CLK)
	if (RST) then		       -- Async Reset
	    Q <= 0;
	   if (CLK and CLK'event) then -- Clock edge
	      if CE or LD then	     -- use register clk enable
		if LD then		     -- Sync Load
		    Q <= D;
		    Q <= Q + 1;
		end if;
	      end if;
	    end if;
	 end if;
    end process;

End of Record #1484

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