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Foundation XVHDL: Using RAM and ROM in XC4000 devices

Record #1485

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Metamor

Problem Title:
Foundation XVHDL:  Using RAM and ROM in XC4000 devices

Problem Description:

The XC4000 family has the capability to implement on-chip RAM and ROM efficientl
y using CLB function generators.

Using RAM
There are 2 ways to implement RAM using Foundation VHDL.

1.  Use Memory Generator or Logiblox to generate a netlist for
    the memory, and then instantiate the netlist.
2.  Instantiate 16x1 and 32x1 RAM primitives.

*Note:	Do NOT describe RAM behaviorally in VHDL, as this results in combinatori
al loops.

Using ROM
There are 3 ways to implement ROM using Foundation VHDL.

1.  Use the Memory Generator or Logiblox to generate a netlist
    for the memory, and then instantiate the netlist.
2.  Instantiate ROM primitives.
3.  Describe ROM behaviorally.

**Please note that the solutions vary slightly depending on
whether the XACTStep6 or XACTStep M1 (F1.3/F1.4) software is
being used.

Solution 1:

XACTStep6 - Using ROM
1. Use Memory Generator to generate an XNF file for the
   memory, and then instantiate the XNF file.

Option 1 follows the same procedure as described for RAM in
the resolution titled "Using RAM".

When using ROM, be sure that there is a .MEM file in your
project directory describing the contents of the ROM.  More
detail on the format of the .MEM file can be found in the
'MEMGEN' chapter of the Xilinx Development Systems Reference
Guide, Vol. 1.

2.  Instantiating ROM primitives.

ROM 16x1 or 32x1 primitives may be instantiated using the
following method.  An INIT attribute must be added to the
instantiated ROM component to describe the contents of the
ROM.  The INIT attribute is a HEX value: 4 digits for a 16x1
ROM, and 8 digits for a 32x1 ROM.  Note that the name of the
component is just ROM, and the 'SCHNM' attribute determines
whether it is a 16x1 ROM or a 32x1 ROM.

A 'DEF' attribute must also be attached to the instantiated
component, with the value 'ROM'.  See example below.

--Example of instantiating a ROM primitive

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library METAMOR;
--Package attributes contains declarations of the Metamor
--specific synthesis attributes.
use METAMOR.attributes.all;

entity ROM_INST is
   port (ADDR0, ADDR1, ADDR2, ADDR3:  in std_logic;
	 OUTPUT:  out std_logic);

architecture INST of ROM_INST is
   component ROM   --NOTE: component is declared as just ROM
      port (A0, A1, A2, A3:  in std_logic;
	    O: out std_logic);
   end component;
   attribute INIT:  string;
   attribute DEF:  string;
   attribute SCHNM:  string;
   attribute INIT of U1:  label is "1A11";
   attribute DEF of U1:  label is "ROM";
   attribute SCHNM of U1:  label is "ROM16X1";
      --Determines whether component is ROM16x1 or ROM32x1
   U1:	ROM port map (A0=>ADDR0, A1=>ADDR1, A2=>ADDR2,
		      A3=>ADDR3, O=>OUTPUT);
end inst;

3.  Describing a ROM behaviorally

--Example of how to describe a 16x4 ROM behaviorally in VHDL.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ROM16X4_4K is
   port (ADDR: in integer range 0 to 15;
	 DATA: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end ROM16X4_4K;

architecture BEHAV of ROM16X4_4K is
   subtype ROM_WORD is std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
   type ROM_TABLE is array (0 to 15) of ROM_WORD;
   constant ROM:  ROM_TABLE := ROM_TABLE'(
end BEHAV;

Solution 2:

XACTStep6  - Using RAM
1.  Using the Memory Generator with instantiation

a) From the Foundation Project Manager, select Applications
   -> Memory Generator.
b) Choose the type and size of RAM you want, give it a name,
   and click 'Generate'.  This will create an XNF file for
   the RAM component.
c) Instantiate the XNF file in the VHDL code.

The names of the pins on the RAM follow the same naming
convention as the RAM components in the Xilinx Libraries
Guide, so you really only need to be concerned with the
number of inputs, addresses, and outputs, which is dependent
on the size of the RAM.  If there is any doubt as to the
names of the ports, the names of the pins on the RAM
component can be found in the XNF file which was produced by
the Memory Generator.

The following is an example of this method.  Note also the
use of the 'macrocell' attribute.  This attribute allows for
the use of vector pins as opposed to single-bit pins.  If
this attribute is not used, the pin expansion of the vectors
will be incompatible, and the resulting XNF netlist will not
compile correctly.  Declare the Metamor library when using
this attribute.

The second example of instantiating RAM uses single-bit pins,
and thus the 'macrocell' attribute is not necessary.

--Example of Instantiating XNF file Created with the Memory --Generator

--This is an example of a 16x2 Dual-Port RAM

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library METAMOR;
--Package attributes contains declarations of the Metamor
--specific synthesis attributes.
use METAMOR.attributes.all;

entity DUAL_PORT is
   port(ADD, DPRADD: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
	WR_EN, WR_CLK, DATA0, DATA1: in std_logic;
	SPOUT, DPOUT: out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0));

architecture FROM_MEMGEN of DUAL_PORT is
   component MEMGEN_M	-- memgen_m.xnf is the XNF file
			-- created by the Memory Generator
      port(A,DPRA: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
	   WE,WCLK,D0,D1: in std_logic;
	   SPO,DPO: out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0));
   end component;
   attribute macrocell of MEMGEN_M:  component is true;
   U1: MEMGEN_M port map (A=>ADD, DPRA=>DPRADD,
			  WE=>WR_EN, WCLK=>WR_CLK, D0=>DATA0,

2.  Instantiating RAM primitives.

RAM 16x1 and 32x1 primitives from the XC4000 Unified Library
may be instantiated directly into a VHDL file as shown below.

--Example of instantiating a RAM16X1D primitive.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity DP_RAM is
   port (WR, DATA, CLK: in std_logic;
	 ADDR0, ADDR1, ADDR2, ADDR3: in std_logic;
	 DPRA0, DPRA1, DPRA2, DPRA3: in std_logic;
	 SPOUT, DPOUT: out std_logic);
end DP_RAM;

architecture INST of DP_RAM is
   component RAM16X1D
      port (D, WE, WCLK, A3, A2, A1, A0,
	    DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0: in std_logic;
	    SPO,DPO: out std_logic);
   end component ;
   U1: RAM16X1D port map (D=>DATA, WE=>WR, WCLK=>CLK,
			  A3=>ADDR3, A2=>ADDR2, A1=>ADDR1,
			  A0=>ADDR0, DPRA3=>DPRA3,
			  DPRA2=>DPRA2,  DPRA1=>DPRA1,
end INST;

*Note:	When compiling the design with the XACTStep Design
 Manager, you must copy the appropriate XNF file (in this
 case RAM16X1D.XNF) from the \ACTIVE\VHDL\XLNX_LIB\<family>
 directory into your project directory, where <family> is
 either XC4000 or XC4000E.

Solution 3:

XACTStep M1 - Using ROM

1.)  Use Logiblox to create the ROM, and then instantiate the
     resulting netlist.  For more information on this
     procedure, refer to (Xilinx Solution 2595).

2.)  Describe the ROM behaviorally, as described in
     Resolution #1.

Solution 4:

XACTStep M1 - Using RAM

1.)  Use Logiblox to create the RAM, and then instantiate the
     resulting netlist.  For more information on this
     procedure, refer to (Xilinx Solution 2595).

2.  Instantiating RAM primitives.

RAM 16x1 and 32x1 primitives from the XC4000E/EX Unified
Library  may be instantiated directly into a VHDL file as shown

--Example of instantiating a RAM16X1D primitive.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity DP_RAM is
   port (WR, DATA, CLK: in std_logic;
	 ADDR0, ADDR1, ADDR2, ADDR3: in std_logic;
	 DPRA0, DPRA1, DPRA2, DPRA3: in std_logic;
	 SPOUT, DPOUT: out std_logic);
end DP_RAM;

architecture INST of DP_RAM is
   component RAM16X1D
      port (D, WE, WCLK, A3, A2, A1, A0,
	    DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0: in std_logic;
	    SPO,DPO: out std_logic);
   end component ;
   U1: RAM16X1D port map (D=>DATA, WE=>WR, WCLK=>CLK,
			  A3=>ADDR3, A2=>ADDR2, A1=>ADDR1,
			  A0=>ADDR0, DPRA3=>DPRA3,
			  DPRA2=>DPRA2,  DPRA1=>DPRA1,
end INST;

End of Record #1485

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